Another rc update
We had our annual swap meet this past weekend. We had a fantastic turnout, and way more nice stuff for sale than last year. I picked up a few things, but not much. I did manage to buy a plane off a fellow board member though. Lol
I’m real happy about this thing. It’s a multiplex twin star with a sea plane conversion. Maidened it off the grass Sunday, and will be taking it out on the lake soon.

Also I finally managed to kill my v1 b17 Friday afternoon trying to get some from the air storm video.
The wind was a bit stronger than I’d expected a few hundred feet up, and it tossed the plane over and over until I lost orientation and it disappeared behind the tree line. I found it a quarter mile away in a horse pasture. (Video to come soon)

I have been working on a plane I’ve designed specifically to carry a camera. I have a bit more work to do. I’m going to add more wing to it because it tends to get tip happy and wants to roll over all the time. Other than that, it’s giving me real stable and “jello” free video.

I also managed to throw this thing together over the weekend.
A 75” b29, I hope to have it painted and maidened by the weekend. It’s running off two little motors, and spins two dummy props as well.

Lastly in this update, I managed to end a relationship with a cursed little electric extra I’ve had for a long time.
First flight happened almost two years ago ended early when the motor mount failed and I was forced to dead stick it in for a landing. When I landed short of the runway and snapped the landing gear out of the fuse.
Second flight the firewall failed again and I successfully dead sticked it in.
The first attempt at the third flight never happened because upon my preflight check I discovered two servos had gone bad somehow.
On the second attempt of the third flight one of the elevators fell off in flight and I was forced into an emergency landing, once again breaking the gear off.
The forth flight ended shortly after taking off, when the motor shaft snapped off sending loose the prop and spinner. I managed to bring it down safely, minus the landing gear again.
The fifth flight attempt ended before I left the ground. As I ramped up the throttle the firewall failed, and the motor mount shattered.
After that, it sat for a long time.
That brings us up to Sunday morning. With a brand new plywood motor mount and firewall, I set out with a fly or die mentality.
It took flight quickly and after a short bit of trim work it was all going well. I hammered the throttle a few time and yes the plane handled it expertly. A few loops and rolls here, a blender and a knife edge pass there, heck I even hovered it a bit. I was really starting to like the little gremlin filled monster. I went up into another blender and attempted to turn it into an inverted flat spin but didn’t quite get it. So I lay on the throttle and picked up some speed in a dive aiming to climb again for another try.
That’s when it all went wrong. Both horizontals simultaneously snapped like toothpicks and started flapping in the wind. Had I thought faster I might have been able to pull into a knife edge and take some of the momentum out of the crash, but that’s not what happened. Instead it plowed head long into the dirt.
I think I finally killed the gremlins though.

We had our annual swap meet this past weekend. We had a fantastic turnout, and way more nice stuff for sale than last year. I picked up a few things, but not much. I did manage to buy a plane off a fellow board member though. Lol
I’m real happy about this thing. It’s a multiplex twin star with a sea plane conversion. Maidened it off the grass Sunday, and will be taking it out on the lake soon.

Also I finally managed to kill my v1 b17 Friday afternoon trying to get some from the air storm video.
The wind was a bit stronger than I’d expected a few hundred feet up, and it tossed the plane over and over until I lost orientation and it disappeared behind the tree line. I found it a quarter mile away in a horse pasture. (Video to come soon)

I have been working on a plane I’ve designed specifically to carry a camera. I have a bit more work to do. I’m going to add more wing to it because it tends to get tip happy and wants to roll over all the time. Other than that, it’s giving me real stable and “jello” free video.

I also managed to throw this thing together over the weekend.
A 75” b29, I hope to have it painted and maidened by the weekend. It’s running off two little motors, and spins two dummy props as well.

Lastly in this update, I managed to end a relationship with a cursed little electric extra I’ve had for a long time.
First flight happened almost two years ago ended early when the motor mount failed and I was forced to dead stick it in for a landing. When I landed short of the runway and snapped the landing gear out of the fuse.
Second flight the firewall failed again and I successfully dead sticked it in.
The first attempt at the third flight never happened because upon my preflight check I discovered two servos had gone bad somehow.
On the second attempt of the third flight one of the elevators fell off in flight and I was forced into an emergency landing, once again breaking the gear off.
The forth flight ended shortly after taking off, when the motor shaft snapped off sending loose the prop and spinner. I managed to bring it down safely, minus the landing gear again.
The fifth flight attempt ended before I left the ground. As I ramped up the throttle the firewall failed, and the motor mount shattered.
After that, it sat for a long time.
That brings us up to Sunday morning. With a brand new plywood motor mount and firewall, I set out with a fly or die mentality.
It took flight quickly and after a short bit of trim work it was all going well. I hammered the throttle a few time and yes the plane handled it expertly. A few loops and rolls here, a blender and a knife edge pass there, heck I even hovered it a bit. I was really starting to like the little gremlin filled monster. I went up into another blender and attempted to turn it into an inverted flat spin but didn’t quite get it. So I lay on the throttle and picked up some speed in a dive aiming to climb again for another try.
That’s when it all went wrong. Both horizontals simultaneously snapped like toothpicks and started flapping in the wind. Had I thought faster I might have been able to pull into a knife edge and take some of the momentum out of the crash, but that’s not what happened. Instead it plowed head long into the dirt.
I think I finally killed the gremlins though.
