After waking up and looking at it setting there, well I think it looks like shit! all the blue left will be painted white today, and I'm going to touch up the red.
There comes a time when honest debate, serious diplomatic efforts, and logical arguments have been exhausted and only men and women willing to take up arms against evil will suffice to save the freedom of a nation or continent.
flew the scratch built bipe today, before it flew it got a lot of laughs, but nearly the same amount of positive feedback. I myself was not sure if it would fly or not, but I gave it the old collage try. WOW it flew great. Floated at 1/4 throttle and ripped through the sky at full. I could dive, roll, and loop. I'm really pleased with it, only thing is the gear failed on landing, and the speed controller and battery got crazy hot.
I'm going to add some air vents, and a sheet of fiber glass to mount the gear. after that and some more paint work, she should be golden.