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Sea monster washes ashore in Spain

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  • Sea monster washes ashore in Spain

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    Don't worry about what you can't change.
    Do the best you can with what you have.
    Be honest, even if it hurts.

    "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy; Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery" ... Winston Churchill

  • #2
    oh damn!! Theres no telling what else is in those waters.


    • #3
      Whatcha doin in my watas boy!?


      • #4
        And people wonder why I'm afraid of the ocean.


        • #5
          "Nothing not fishing sir"
          "This hooks attached to your rod mother licka"
          "Yeeeeehhhhhaaaaawwwww that's my jam"


          • #6
            "Easy now, fuzzy little man peach. Y'ever drunk Bailey's from a shoe?"


            • #7
              Originally posted by Country cracker View Post
              "Nothing not fishing sir"
              "Then how come this hook's in my head fool"
              "That's nothing to do with me sir"
              "It's attached to your rod motha licka"
              Originally posted by Theodore Roosevelt
              It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming...


              • #8
                "You wanna come to a club where people wee on each other?"
                Originally posted by Theodore Roosevelt
                It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming...


                • #9


                  • #10
                    "easy now fuzzy little man peach"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by eastsidetorino View Post
                      "easy now fuzzy little man peach"
                      Repost.....Jenn beat you to it you fuzzy little man peach.
                      Originally posted by talisman
                      I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
                      Originally posted by AdamLX
                      If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
                      Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                      Because fuck you, that's why
                      Originally posted by 80coupe
                      nice dick, Idrivea4banger
                      Originally posted by Rick Modena
                      ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
                      Originally posted by Jester
                      Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


                      • #12
                        I call that one
                        "OLD GREG"


                        • #13
                          It looks like an oarfish.
                          ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                          • #14
                            ^^^ This.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by YALE View Post
                              It looks like an oarfish.
                              Take anything "in advanced decomposition" and its going to look unearthly.

                              Oar fish, whale carcass, etc - its all the same as "sea monster" when its a slow news day.

