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cool cgi b17 video

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  • cool cgi b17 video

  • #2
    That was a real good video.


    • #3
      79,218 - thats insane.

      edit from wiki:

      The United States Army Air Forces incurred 12% of the Army's 936,000 battle casualties in World War II. 88,119 airmen died in service. 52,173 were battle casualty deaths: 45,520 killed in action, 1,140 died of wounds, 3,603 were missing in action and declared dead, and 1,910 were nonhostile battle deaths.

      Total aircraft losses by the AAF from December 1941 to August 1945 were 65,164, with 43,581 lost overseas and 21,583 within the Continental United States. Combat losses of aircraft totaled 22,948 world wide, with 18,418 lost in theaters fighting Germany and 4,530 lost in combat in the Pacific. The AAF credited its own forces with destroying a total of 40,259 aircraft of opposing nations by all means, 29,916 against Germany and its allies and 10,343 in the Pacific.

      Mind blowing.


      • #4
        Reminds me of "Memphis Belle". That is one of my favorite movies, although riddled with historical inaccuracies I'm sure. I couldn't imagine what it would have been like to fly on one of those, so big and slow. I did however get the opportunity a few years ago to walk through one, as well as a B24, and realized that my 6'1" 300lb fat ass could never have flown in one of those. They said the average belly gunner was 5' and 115lbs. I don't know anyone who would fit that criteria.


        • #5
          Thought it'd be dumb. Glad I watched it now.

