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Another flying 18 wheeler in Grand Prairie

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
    Again, just playing Devil's Advocate...
    There's no way everyone there knew he was trapped inside. By the time those people stopped, got out, started filming, etc there was enough smoke that no one could know form a distance what was happening.

    I still stand by my statement that anyone judging people for not running into a "melt your face off, can't do a damn thing" fire is an ass.
    I'm glad someone played the devil's advocate.... I was thinking the same thing.

    First thing that popped in my head was the possibility of 100+ gallons of diesel fuel and the obvious fire already taking place.


    • #32
      A few years ago I witnessed a bad wreck involving a big rig on I35 in Lewisville. It happened right in front of me at 70mph. Before I knew what I was doing I was out of my car and sprinting toward the wreck, there were a total of 4 other passenger cars involved and I thought surely at least one was dead. I ran from car to car checking on people and surprisingly everyone lived. The only people hurt where the girl in the car that caused the wreck and the lady driving the semi. I remember standing in the open door of the rig trying to calm the driver down and reassure her she hadn't killed anyone, when it all became real to me. I suddenly turned into a giant pussy and almost started crying for some damned reason.
      You never know how you will act until you’re there in the situation.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
        Again, just playing Devil's Advocate...
        There's no way everyone there knew he was trapped inside. By the time those people stopped, got out, started filming, etc there was enough smoke that no one could know form a distance what was happening.

        I still stand by my statement that anyone judging people for not running into a "melt your face off, can't do a damn thing" fire is an ass.
        There were at least two cars there at the beginning before the fire was even rolling. hustleman got there well after the fire was going. If those people, were like below:

        Originally posted by 4bangen View Post
        A few years ago I witnessed a bad wreck involving a big rig on I35 in Lewisville. It happened right in front of me at 70mph. Before I knew what I was doing I was out of my car and sprinting toward the wreck, there were a total of 4 other passenger cars involved and I thought surely at least one was dead. I ran from car to car checking on people and surprisingly everyone lived. The only people hurt where the girl in the car that caused the wreck and the lady driving the semi. I remember standing in the open door of the rig trying to calm the driver down and reassure her she hadn't killed anyone, when it all became real to me. I suddenly turned into a giant pussy and almost started crying for some damned reason.
        You never know how you will act until you’re there in the situation.
        I was driving south on 121 one night toward Fort Worth and that merge right before 121 curves into I-35W south, a Jeep went to change lanes, then swerved when he noticed a car in his blind spot, popped on the opposite curb, which caused him to skid from the right lane to the left lane, hit that curb and rolled into the grassy area on the other side of the 287 bridge. As above, I pulled over and ran toward the now upside down Jeep. Dude was yelling for help, and I got there, he was wanting out but couldn't get free of his seatbelt since all his weight was on it. I braced and lifted him up enough to take some weight off, he unbuckled and we got away from the Jeep. Ambulance showed up a bit later, but seems like I was the only one that stopped.

        "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


        • #34
          Originally posted by GhostTX View Post
          I was driving south on 121 one night toward Fort Worth and that merge right before 121 curves into I-35W south, a Jeep went to change lanes, then swerved when he noticed a car in his blind spot, popped on the opposite curb, which caused him to skid from the right lane to the left lane, hit that curb and rolled into the grassy area on the other side of the 287 bridge. As above, I pulled over and ran toward the now upside down Jeep. Dude was yelling for help, and I got there, he was wanting out but couldn't get free of his seatbelt since all his weight was on it. I braced and lifted him up enough to take some weight off, he unbuckled and we got away from the Jeep. Ambulance showed up a bit later, but seems like I was the only one that stopped.
          I hate that merge SO much, because to get where I need to go when I head that direction, You have to get all the way over to the right in a matter of seconds, or you have to wait a while before you can exit again and get back to where you need to be.


          • #35
            Originally posted by hustleman View Post
            I actually witnessed this accident while on duty. I was going to GP to serve a warrant. I was traveling EB I-30 took the 161 frontage road exit when I saw him drive off WB I-30. I was unclear where he disappeared to so I turned to go WB I-30 but found that he dropped down to 161. I originally thought he flew off the 161 SB ramp onto 30 but I was wrong. So my partner and I drove backwards on 30 and 161 ramp towards that camera angle. I bet if that video ran another 10-20 seconds you would of see me pull up. Ran up there the truck was on its driver side. Fire was pretty bad and couldn't get more than 10 feet from then cab of the truck before my face felt like it was about to melt off. The driver was still alive but digging downward towards the ground. The only way out for him was through the windshield but I guess he was so disoriented he just kept digging downward. We used a fire extinguisher but that was like splashing water on a forest fire. There was a 20 year old marine and a retired haltom city fire/rescue guy that beat me to the scene and tried their best to get the guy out but couldn't. Really sucked watching the guy burn alive and couldn't do anything for him. Even worse was there were like 30 bystanders with their phones out video taping it and not rendering aid. This happened Saturday after 4pm

            Without my gun hobby. I would cut off my own dick and let the rats eat it...


            • #36
              Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
              I still stand by my statement that anyone judging people for not running into a "melt your face off, can't do a damn thing" fire is an ass.
              Exactly. If you've never been next to a vehicle on fire, it's hot. Daaaamn hot.


              • #37
                Originally posted by GE View Post
                Exactly. If you've never been next to a vehicle on fire, it's hot. Daaaamn hot.
                Fair enough. Maybe my self preservation instincts would stop me from jumping into the middle of a vehicle fire. But I'm not gonna then back away and pull out my Droid, that's for certain.
                When the government pays, the government controls.


                • #38
                  As I said I am not the smartest person, lol. I just wonder if this mans fate could have been different if the vehicles occupants would have thought quickly and rendered aid. My hat is off to the few first people that tried to help, I hope this doesn't weigh on their hearts. I am pissed because DFWscanner also has stated it wouldn't post fatalities, but posted this. On the questions directed to the people upset by this video stating that you can't know what you would do because we weren't there. You may be right but I hope you are wrong. I guess it is just because peronally I have had bad things happen in front of me and my reaction was only to render aid. I guess things are just different now, no real point to my rant, carry on.


                  • #39
                    It makes my blood boil people recording some of these things too. I remember the mass of military videoing other military just blown up on a base, stuff like this...etc...etc.

                    Yeah, maybe you can't do anything for them.

                    1. Don't video out of respect and common decency.
                    2. Get the fuck away. You don't need to see shit and let the people paid/trained to deal with it do their job.
                    Originally posted by MR EDD
                    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Scott Mc View Post
                      As I said I am not the smartest person, lol. I just wonder if this mans fate could have been different if the vehicles occupants would have thought quickly and rendered aid. My hat is off to the few first people that tried to help, I hope this doesn't weigh on their hearts. I am pissed because DFWscanner also has stated it wouldn't post fatalities, but posted this. On the questions directed to the people upset by this video stating that you can't know what you would do because we weren't there. You may be right but I hope you are wrong. I guess it is just because peronally I have had bad things happen in front of me and my reaction was only to render aid. I guess things are just different now, no real point to my rant, carry on.
                      Seems to make sense...I think you can say that about your self because you've been in high stress situations before. IMO, most people will never be in one, therefore will never know if they are the "fight or flight" type until that day comes.

                      And technically I guess there is a new category to add to the fight or flight....those that can only think about getting their phone out to record it.

                      If the guy was alive when Hustleman arrived, had someone who was on the scene when it happened reacted fast enough, he probably could have been pulled out alive. Of course, I can't really tell how big/hot that fire is just after it crashed and the first person stopped.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
                        Words of a trained first repsonder:
                        I agree with 99% of what you have said; however, in his own post he lined out where he was when it happened, and it must have taken at least 3-5 minutes to do all that turning around, get to the site, etc. Sure by that time the fire was raging. There is a chance one of the first people on the scene could have done something. It's a big risk, and I'm not going to chastize them like most have. But perhaps if they hadn't been busy thinking "Well, fuck. I bettter back up and get on this exit ramp before traffic backs up, so I'm not late getting home to watch the Kardashians." a life potentially could have been saved.
                        Originally posted by BradM
                        But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                        Originally posted by Leah
                        In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                        • #42
                          My thoughts also. Super sad to see how self absorbed the world is now.


                          • #43
                            Did anyone notice the guy in the pickup almost die trying to exit.
                            Originally posted by Theodore Roosevelt
                            It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming...

