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Another flying 18 wheeler in Grand Prairie

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  • #16
    Jesus, kudos for your efforts hustleman.


    • #17
      HOLY FUCK! Bad news all around. I thought the people who were slow were likely in shock, having never seen something like that up close and personal. I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt before I read hustleman's story about most of them videotaping instead of trying to help. How the fuck are you going to sit there and record it on your phone while there is a man burning alive inside?


      • #18
        Originally posted by Ratt View Post
        HOLY FUCK! Bad news all around. I thought the people who were slow were likely in shock, having never seen something like that up close and personal. I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt before I read hustleman's story about most of them videotaping instead of trying to help. How the fuck are you going to sit there and record it on your phone while there is a man burning alive inside?
        Have you never been to Grand Prairie? It's a fucking cesspool of humanity.

        Hustleman, good on you for trying to help. I'm terribly sorry you had to experience that, I can't even imagine. RIP to the driver.
        When the government pays, the government controls.


        • #19
          Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
          Have you never been to Grand Prairie? It's a fucking cesspool of humanity.

          Hustleman, good on you for trying to help. I'm terribly sorry you had to experience that, I can't even imagine. RIP to the driver.
          I have seen the future of Grand Prairie in the vessel of human filth they call South Grand Prairie high school. The company I used to work for does all of Grand Prairie's document management for the special ed. department. It's a terrible place.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Scott Mc View Post
            Pisses me off to see people just back up and fail to even try to render aid.
            As well as all the pole smokers completely stopped on the offramp just to watch.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Ratt View Post
              I have seen the future of Grand Prairie in the vessel of human filth they call South Grand Prairie high school. The company I used to work for does all of Grand Prairie's document management for the special ed. department. It's a terrible place.
              SGP was a fucking gangland 10+ years ago when I went to highschool. Can't imagine how bad it its now.


              • #22
                I graduated from SGP High in 94'. It wasn't too bad back then. I'm sure the ghetto has made it's way there since then though. I got as far away as possible once I graduated.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                  As well as all the pole smokers completely stopped on the offramp just to watch.
                  You gotta think for a min. Some of those people can be elderly or maybe they have young kids in the car they don't want to endanger. Everybody says they act like a superhero but in reality most people just freeze up and watch.


                  • #24
                    If they want to watch then move over and watch. I am not saying they need to participate, but get the fuck out of the way at least.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Scott Mc View Post
                      Pisses me off to see people just back up and fail to even try to render aid. Yes I am not the smartest person but if that happened right in front of me I would never back away.
                      Originally posted by UserX View Post
                      I can't believe how slow people are to help. My instincts would have me sprinting to that truck to help the driver. R.I.P.
                      Originally posted by Scott Mc View Post
                      Jesus, only opposite traffic besides one person stops. Everyone else just exits.
                      Devil's Advocate:
                      Do you know what's in that truck?
                      Passenger car wreck - hell yes I'm gonna jump in and do what I can
                      Big rig carrying ????? - ?????

                      Originally posted by 01-GATOR View Post
                      Too bad you couldn't get him out. Fucking people always videotaping shit instead of helping
                      Originally posted by Ratt View Post
                      HOLY FUCK! Bad news all around. I thought the people who were slow were likely in shock, having never seen something like that up close and personal. I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt before I read hustleman's story about most of them videotaping instead of trying to help. How the fuck are you going to sit there and record it on your phone while there is a man burning alive inside?

                      Seroiusly? Maybe videotaping (knowing or not knowing the fate/condition of the driver) was not the best choice, but you're judging those people for "not doing anything" ??

                      Words of a trained first repsonder:
                      Originally posted by hustleman View Post
                      I actually witnessed this accident while on duty. I was going to GP to serve a warrant. I was traveling EB I-30 took the 161 frontage road exit when I saw him drive off WB I-30. I was unclear where he disappeared to so I turned to go WB I-30 but found that he dropped down to 161. I originally thought he flew off the 161 SB ramp onto 30 but I was wrong. So my partner and I drove backwards on 30 and 161 ramp towards that camera angle. I bet if that video ran another 10-20 seconds you would of see me pull up. Ran up there the truck was on its driver side. Fire was pretty bad and couldn't get more than 10 feet from then cab of the truck before my face felt like it was about to melt off. The driver was still alive but digging downward towards the ground. The only way out for him was through the windshield but I guess he was so disoriented he just kept digging downward. We used a fire extinguisher but that was like splashing water on a forest fire. There was a 20 year old marine and a retired haltom city fire/rescue guy that beat me to the scene and tried their best to get the guy out but couldn't. Really sucked watching the guy burn alive and couldn't do anything for him. Even worse was there were like 30 bystanders with their phones out video taping it and not rendering aid. This happened Saturday after 4pm
                      Yes, fuck the bystanders for not becoming another victim. Good call, guys.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Strychnine View Post

                        Yes, fuck the bystanders for not becoming another victim. Good call, guys.
                        Even if you do not help you do not have to sit there and video a helpless man burning to death.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by zachary View Post
                          Even if you do not help you do not have to sit there and video a helpless man burning to death.
                          Again, just playing Devil's Advocate...
                          There's no way everyone there knew he was trapped inside. By the time those people stopped, got out, started filming, etc there was enough smoke that no one could know form a distance what was happening.

                          I still stand by my statement that anyone judging people for not running into a "melt your face off, can't do a damn thing" fire is an ass.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
                            Again, just playing Devil's Advocate...
                            There's no way everyone there knew he was trapped inside. By the time those people stopped, got out, started filming, etc there was enough smoke that no one could know form a distance what was happening.

                            I still stand by my statement that anyone judging people for not running into a "melt your face off, can't do a damn thing" fire is an ass.
                            I never meant they should have run into the fire face first and trying to play hero was the best idea, just thought it was kind of shitty to be standing there (probably) knowing there was someone inside videotaping it.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Ratt View Post
                              I never meant they should have run into the fire face first and trying to play hero was the best idea, just thought it was kind of shitty to be standing there (probably) knowing there was someone inside videotaping it.
                              Sorry, I think misinterpreted a little. Didn't mean to sound like a dick.

                              What sucks is that even if it weren't on fire most of those people would probably still stand there and video it. That's the natural reaction now. Gruesome crash... snap pic, add instagram filter, post to FB, crosspost to twitter, look around to see if anyone else is doing anything.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
                                Again, just playing Devil's Advocate...
                                There's no way everyone there knew he was trapped inside. By the time those people stopped, got out, started filming, etc there was enough smoke that no one could know form a distance what was happening.

                                I still stand by my statement that anyone judging people for not running into a "melt your face off, can't do a damn thing" fire is an ass.
                                I'm not judging them for not doing anything, I'm judging them for videotaping it. If they know they can't help why stop at all, pull out a cellphone and start recording? Don't see the point in it.

