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Jack Nicklaus' Grandson Nick O'Leary Survives Scary Motorcycle Crash

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  • #31
    Originally posted by naynay View Post
    you are a fucking idiot. i dont even feel bad for you now. these are tears of joy watching you expose yourself.. tell him about the porn in the church parking lot too.
    That was my work parking lot you stupidmotherfucker. Same place I got jumped with the pussies with bats. Get your shit straight, Shadingdong. Does tucksiteazy pound you in the ass proper like for you to be besties?


    • #32
      you worked for a church, dont lie. god loves ugly.


      • #33
        Daystar TV Network. Not a church. You really calling someone ugly you 5' nothing pile of greasy black dogshit?
        Speaking of ugly and pictures, this one always makes me smile.

        BAD motherfucker you are, convict! I'd much rather be caught selling pron in my parking lot than..
        well.. ^^^ that.
        Last edited by SS Junk; 07-29-2013, 07:09 AM.


        • #34
          lol, wow you are a hateful bigot. tell your wife hi!
          THE BAD HOMBRE


          • #35
            You were never at my house and do not know my wife, Shadingdong. Amazing you never mouthed any of this while I lived there. You really want to go down this road? I remember stopping by your house and saw how fucked up your dad was. How far you want to go with this?

            Oh, and tucksiteazy. I know you are a bad motherfucker. Every sport bike rider I've ran across is. I think the baddest one is the bitch on here who has said the same kind of stupid shit you have, he went ape shit on here for some reason and pics where posted of him with his bird chest and fire nipple tattoo. Thing is, if you're going to make dumb comments about aiming for a door with five-year-old logic, you're going to get made fun of. It's up to you how you want to handle it. If you want to get all hurt and try to get personal, that's fine. Shadingdong and the bitches he used to hand with have tried it for years. Let's see what you got.
            Last edited by SS Junk; 07-29-2013, 07:50 AM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
              Not defending the car really, but that bike was hauling ass on that narrow street. He too was a factor in what happened.

              Then picked up that wrecked shit and rode off like a champ middle finger in the air! Fuck cagers, maaaaaaan!
              What's the speed limit? What is the motorcycles rate of speed? You can't tell shit from a piss poor video like that. Regardless, the quim driving is at fault.


              • #37
                wow, make fun of my dad for being disabled? thats an all time low!
                THE BAD HOMBRE


                • #38
                  All of you need to shut the fuck up. Acting like a bunch of god damned 12 year olds.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                    What's the speed limit? What is the motorcycles rate of speed? You can't tell shit from a piss poor video like that. Regardless, the quim driving is at fault.
                    Quick search shows this:
                    The driver of the black Lexus cited in the now famous Nick O'Leary motorcycle crash gives her side of the story to Tomahawk Nation. Just what was she doing?

                    According to that article, the speed limit on that street is 30mph. He looks to be going far faster. It's been speculated he was going around 80mph prior to hitting his brakes. Person in the car has her side of the story and states both ins. companies are paying for their own damages and her ins. company is going after his to get a percentage of her deductible back.

                    Originally posted by naynay View Post
                    wow, make fun of my dad for being disabled? thats an all time low!
                    You start taking things to a personal level there are no holds barred, dear boy.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Lason View Post
                      Almost happened to me a couple weeks ago! Going down Matlock and some dumb bitch was leaving a gas station and didn't even stop at the street to see if anyone was coming and cut me off. I had to clamp down on both brakes and the ABS even came on and started working its ass off to keep me from locking up.

                      She pulled into the next street which was the same one I was turning into and stopped and as I pulled up next to her, she started screaming at me asking me what my problem is and why I was riding her ass!!??

                      As much as I love "driving" I can't wait for self driving cars. There are a lot of idiots that are oblivious at how stupid they really are.

                      Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

                      Doesn't surprise me. I'd love to own a bike, and have looked at them a few times. Just too many clueless dipshits on the road in DFW.

