Depends on what you are shooting for. Old school low rider IMHO Lip laced or standard offset wire wheels look horrible. Larger diameter wheels you may have to go with standard or positive offset to get them to fit.
I ran triple cross daytons on my buick and I loved them.
I ran the cadillac 74 wires on my cadillac with big whitewall tires. If you've ever owned white wall tires then you know they suck dick to clean. Ill never do that shit again.
If you've ever owned white wall tires then you know they suck dick to clean. Ill never do that shit again.
On most of my rides back in the day I would run Premium Sportway 5.20s with the walls buffed out. Talked about an ass whopping to clean. They yellowed so no true white, but Westleys Bleach White was king.....
I like it the way it is. I have the original wheels and hub caps. I would rather have a little bit different tire but overall I like it. I am black from the waste down so it fits me just the way it is.