The wife called me yesterday around 3pm to tell me our youngest had his bike stolen while he was at a friends (my son tells me that he put it in the open garage before he went inside). On my way home from work I decided to stop at a couple of the parks in the area and saw a spray painted bike on the ground next to a few other bikes and about 8 teens (between 14 and 17 would be my guess), so I parked and walked over to verify that was my sons bike then went back to the car and waited in hopes to follow them home and confront his parents. After about 30 minutes I decided it best to call Little Elm PD and have them handle it.
Police officer pulls up as one of the kids starts to ride the stolen bike away, I point the perp out and he cuts him off. After a few seconds of questioning the kid, the officer calls me over and tells me the kid says he found it that way and says I can take it. Now, the kid was clearly in possession of a stolen bicycle but the officer didnt get any of the kids information. Maybe I was expecting too much?
Police officer pulls up as one of the kids starts to ride the stolen bike away, I point the perp out and he cuts him off. After a few seconds of questioning the kid, the officer calls me over and tells me the kid says he found it that way and says I can take it. Now, the kid was clearly in possession of a stolen bicycle but the officer didnt get any of the kids information. Maybe I was expecting too much?
