Really new to all this HDR stuff, but really wanting to learn more. Kind of my first outing with it. I know the background needs more color to really take full advantage of the HDR process, but just focusing on the car, what do you think? Too much?
I think it looks pretty good Nick. That's a frackin sharp car, is it one you worked on?
Yeah. I'll get pics of it up once I've been given the "all clear". Using some stuff from Meguiar's that hasn't hit the market yet, so it's all hush hush for now. I actually have about 20 cars I've worked on that I'm not allowed to post yet
Yeah. I'll get pics of it up once I've been given the "all clear". Using some stuff from Meguiar's that hasn't hit the market yet, so it's all hush hush for now. I actually have about 20 cars I've worked on that I'm not allowed to post yet
That still isn't public? Have they changed it any?
Nice man! Im not a big fan of the overly done HDR shots that dont look real. This one is done just right IMO. Just enough to make it pop and catch the eye. What you shooting with?
Nick that looks damn good, especially for a first try. Many people over do HDR shots, this is done just right.
Originally posted by Jester
Every time you see the fucking him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.
What are you using to merge your photos? Photoshop works pretty well, but i have found Photomatix to be the best!
Believe it or not, this is one RAW picture, not a group of 3-5 pictures combined. I uploaded thru Photomatx for the HDR, then tweaked a bit to reduce the noise through Noiseware.
I think Photomatix did an outstanding job converting one single image like this into an HDR image like it did!
I am kind of with cooter. I almost feel like I am looking at a car with a chrome finish, if that makes any sense. It almost doesn't even look black.
Not sure if that is the HDR, or the great detail work.
I guess HDR is something you either like or you don't. For me, it's just a different way to look at something like this. I look at car pictures ALL THE TIME! So for me, it's a nice change from the norm. I don't like overly done HDR images, but I think this picture would've come out a lot better with a colorful background, like tree and grass. But it's something you either like or you don't.
I don't have the original image with me here at work, but I think this adds a bit of character to the original image. I think I may have over done this one just a tad
Nice man! Im not a big fan of the overly done HDR shots that dont look real. This one is done just right IMO. Just enough to make it pop and catch the eye. What you shooting with?
Shooting with a Canon XSi with a 18-200 lens. Can't remember if this had the polarized filter on it or not. I don't think it did, but could be wrong.
Looking to upgrade my camera here before too long. Thinking about the new T2i that's coming out soon, or maybe even the existing T2i is I can get a decent deal on one.