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Chasing Water - Source to sea on the Colorado River

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  • Chasing Water - Source to sea on the Colorado River

    I saw this via the Banff Mountain Film Festival last year and it's stuck with me ever since... thought some here might enjoy it.

    It's not Russian dashcam footage or anything else of such high prestige, but it's pretty decent.
    • Best Short Film - Banff Mountain Film Festival
    • Grand Prize - 5Point Film Festival
    • Activism Award - Adventure Film Festival
    • Best Documentary - ClearWater Festival
    • Best Environmental Film - Frozen Film Festival

    "For 6 million years the Colorado River ran to the sea. Since 1998 it has not."

    Pete McBride grew up on a ranch in Western Colorado, a child of the Colorado River. After a life spent visiting other countries to tell stories as a National Geographic photojournalist, in 2008 Pete decided to follow the water from his family’s ranch to see where it ends up. This is the story of Pete’s journey, and a story about the lifeblood of the American West

    Chasing Water to the End of The Colorado River

    by david frey new west on May 3, 2011

    From the rim of the Grand Canyon, the Colorado River below seemed both meek and mighty. It looked like a tiny band of water barely visible below millions of years of rock, but it was this river, blasting through fierce rapids with dirt and debris, that carved through a mile of rock like a diamond saw.

    This is the Colorado River in its finest moments. River runners know it as a death-defying series of rapids, but even this whitewater is only a fraction of the hydraulics that once raged through the canyon, in the days before Lake Powell tamed it.

    In its grim less spectacular moments the Colorado is not a river at all. It is an unremarkable trickle through concrete canals, and then, not even that. Just a dry riverbed that delivers not even a drop to the sea.

    “It looks like the end of the line,” says photographer Pete McBride, as he and his companion, author Jonathan Waterman, find their canoes lodged in a foamy brown muck. “It looks like the garbage disposal at the end of the river.”

    The two document the river from its source, high in the upper reaches of Colorado’s Rocky Mountain National Park, to the Sea of Cortez, where it’s supposed to end up, in the book The Colorado River: Flowing through Conflict. McBride also documents the river in a talk, and in the 18-minute documentary Chasing Water, which premiered recently at the 5Point Film Festival in Carbondale, Colorado., a fest that seeks to inspire adventure and instill environmental consciousness.

    By kayak, airplane, and ultimately by foot, McBride explores the storied river from end to end. Growing up on a ranch in nearby Snowmass, Colorado, McBride says he used to wonder how long it would take for the water flowing through their irrigation ditch to reach the sea.

    The answer: it doesn’t. Not since 1998 anyway. Tapped by farmers, ranchers, cities and towns, the Colorado River dies an early death.

    “I started to see the river as an orphan stretched into the desert,” says McBride, narrating a journey in Chasing Water that carried him from the fields where he grew up to the streets of Las Vegas to California’s Imperial Valley.

    McBride’s images, both in the book and in the film tell a powerful tale of the West’s greatest river. In Utah, they capture a wild river carving S-curves through the desert before it runs up against Glen Canyon Dam, where years of drought is causing Lake Powell to shrink. In Arizona, the shockingly straight lines of canals carry water to Los Angeles.

    It’s hard to find a more gripping image, though, than the scene which begins the film: feet in flip-flops trundling over the cracked, dry earth where the Colorado River, “the American Nile,” as McBride calls it, is supposed to reach the sea.

    Even in the Grand Canyon, the river ebbs and surges not with its natural rhythms, but with the output of Glen Canyon Dam set to match Phoenix’s need for air conditioning. The Colorado River, McBride comes to see, may be less an American Nile than it is a 1,500-mile piece of plumbing.
    Last edited by Strychnine; 06-11-2013, 09:36 AM.

  • #2
    Gonna watch it tonight. Won't see this stuff on CNN or Fox, if you do it'll be done with all kinds of experts that make you want to hang yourself.
    Originally posted by MR EDD
    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


    • #3
      Can't believe how low the lakes are these days


      • #4
        Wow, I had no idea it was that bad... But the government is too concerned with fuel mileage for vehicles and emissions controls to worry about petty things such as this...
        "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776


        • #5
          Originally posted by BlackGT View Post
          Wow, I had no idea it was that bad... But the government is too concerned with fuel mileage for vehicles and emissions controls to worry about petty things such as this...
          They are trying to bring it back:

          By treaty 90% of the river's flow is allocated to the US and the other 10% to MX.

          A recent confluence of events has opened new modes of binational cooperation and creative thinking on how to better manage the river so as to give greater flexibility and benefits to all parties. And this time, the river may be among them.

          One of the ideas under discussion is a binational commitment to deliver a small volume of flow — less than 1% of the river's total — to the delta each year. Through investments in efficiency improvements and smarter water management, such flows could revitalize the delta with no sacrifice of benefits to current water users.


          • #6
            Dams were opened Sunday to send water into the delta for the first time in decades.

            Historic "Pulse Flow" Brings Water to Parched Colorado River Delta

            Binational agreement brings life to delta after five decades of water withdrawal

            The Colorado River Delta in Mexico cuts through the Sonoran Desert, and was formerly host to lush wetlands.

            Brian Clark Howard
            National Geographic
            PUBLISHED MARCH 22, 2014

            Thanks to a landmark agreement between the United States and Mexico, the parched Colorado River Delta will get a rejuvenating shot of water this spring for one of the first times in five decades, just in time for World Water Day on March 22.

            On March 23, 2014, the gates of Morelos Dam on the Arizona-Mexico border will be lifted to allow a "pulse flow" of water into the final stretch of the Colorado River. Officials and scientists hope the water will help restore a landscape that has long been arid but that once supported a rich diversity of life.

            "The pulse flow is about mimicking the way the Colorado River flowed in the springtime, thanks to snowmelt from the Rocky Mountains, before all the dams were built," says Sandra Postel, director of the Global Water Policy Project and a National Geographic Freshwater Fellow. By the early 1960s, dams on the Colorado, such as Glen Canyon and the Hoover Dam, had diverted so much water that there was precious little flow entering the lower Colorado.

            Water that did make it to Morelos Dam was diverted into Mexico's Mexicali Valley for crop irrigation, leaving little for the wildlife or indigenous people living in the delta.

            This spring, a "pulse flow" of water will be released through Morelos Dam on the U.S.-Mexico border in order to benefit the plants and animals in the parched delta.

            Water for the pulse flow is being released from Lake Mead behind Hoover Dam at an unspecified time. It will take a few days to travel some 320 river miles (515 kilometers) to the Morelos Dam. On March 23, the gates of Morelos Dam will be opened by the International Boundary and Water Commission, which operates the structure. That will allow the pulse flow to enter the last 70 miles (113 kilometers) of the Colorado River. Peak flow through the gates is expected around March 27, and then the flow will taper to a lower volume for about eight weeks.

            As agreed upon by the U.S. and Mexico, the total amount of flow over the period will be 105,392 acre-feet of water (130 million cubic meters). That represent less than one percent of the pre-dam annual flow through the Colorado, "but in terms of recent flows it is very significant," says Postel.

            The outcome of the pulse flow remains somewhat unpredictable. Groundwater "sinks" along the route will trap an unknown amount of the water, and debris could block part of the flow or cause it to reroute. "There's a lot of uncertainty because this is an experiment that hasn't been done before," says Postel. (See "The American Nile.")

            If the flow reaches the Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California), as scientists hope, it should happen in about two weeks. Except for a few short periods of heavy precipitation (most recently in the 1990s), the Colorado has not reached the sea since 1960. That has negatively impacted what used to be one of the world's most productive fisheries, which previously benefitted from the nutrients brought by the river. (See "8 Mighty Rivers Run Dry From Overuse.")

            Formerly lush, the Colorado's delta in the Sea of Cortez has long been an arid wasteland, thanks to overuse of the river.

            Rebirth of a Lush Ecosystem

            "We can't wait for the water to come," says Osvel Hinojosa Huerta, a Mexican ecologist with the nonprofit Pronatura Noroeste who has spent years studying the delta. Hinojosa Huerta, who is also a National Geographic Emerging Explorer, says the pulse flow will help restore about 70 miles (113 kilometers) of the river's course and 2,300 acres of floodplain, including freshwater marshes.

            The region once boasted two million acres of wetlands that comprised one of the planet's great desert aquatic ecosystems. But decades of scarce water have reduced vegetation in the delta by 90 percent, and recent years of drought have made the situation even more extreme.

            The flow will benefit hard-hit cottonwood and willow trees and provide habitat for a host of wildlife, including endangered birds such as Yuma clapper rails, Virginia rails, and California black rails, says Hinojosa Huerta. Migratory birds like warblers and flycatchers will also benefit from restored habitat in the delta, which serves as an important corridor on their journey. The southwestern willow flycatcher is one species of special concern, he notes.

            The pulse flow is timed to coincide with maximum seed production of native willows and cottonwoods, says Hinojosa Huerta. Those trees have been dying off in the delta in recent decades, because floodwaters are the primary way they disperse their seeds, he notes.

            "The reason the pulse flow ramps up quickly and then has a long tail is because the peak flow is to spread the seeds and the tail is to maintain soil moisture so the seedlings can grow and the roots can follow the water down into the soil," says Hinojosa Huerta.

            [IMG]The mighty Colorado is reduced to a trickle in Mexico.[/IMG]

            Monitoring the Flow

            For months scientists have been making detailed ecological studies of the lower Colorado River in order to gather baseline data before the dam gates open. Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, the Mexican government, the University of Arizona, the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Pronatura, and others have been studying the river and the surrounding ecology. Once the pulse flow starts, scientists will be monitoring water flows, salinity, temperature, groundwater recharge, vegetation growth, and impacts on birds, fish, and other wildlife.

            A primary goal is to "see how water behaves in this system," says Jennifer Pitt, who works on Colorado River issues for the Environmental Defense Fund in Boulder, Colorado. Pitt and Hinojosa Huerta co-chair a binational working group on the river's restoration.

            "We might learn that it would have been better to have less volume of water for more days, or that we got it just right, or maybe that we need twice the volume for one day, and so on," says Pitt. "Osvel [Hinojosa Huerta] did his dissertation on where the best bird diversity exists in the delta and found a strong correlation to open water, and now we'll be able to test his conclusions," she adds.

            Instead of wetlands, much of the Colorado River Delta is now covered by dry, salty, cracked earth.

            Binational Cooperation

            The landmark agreement clearing the way for this spring's water release, known as Minute 319, was signed in November 2012 as an addendum to the 1944 water treaty between the U.S. and Mexico.

            In addition to the pulse flow, the agreement allows Mexico to store water in U.S. reservoirs, and it specifies that both countries will share the benefits of water surpluses and the burdens of water shortages. It also promotes cooperation on conservation projects such as removing invasive tamarisk.

            Minute 319 provides benefits that are "critically important on both sides of the border," says Anne Castle, the assistant secretary for water and science at the U.S. Department of Interior in Washington, D.C.

            The agreement is the first in which two countries have come together to allocate water specifically to benefit the environment in a cross-border setting, Castle says. Governments in other countries are watching the pulse carefully, she added. Kyrgyzstan has already expressed interest in the agreement as a model for how an international river might be shared.

            The current agreement between the U.S. and Mexico expires in 2017, but Castle says there is "very significant interest in discussing an extension of Minute 319.

            The pulse flow will give us more information to work out the details for future agreements."

            Hinojosa Huerta says a key to winning widespread support for the pulse flow along the Colorado has been assuring water users that the event will not affect their own water rights in any way. "Farmers, irrigation districts, and water managers have been very supportive," he says. "They are excited that the river is going to have water again."

            The Colorado River Delta may never recover to its former size and glory, "but we know that if you add some water, life does return," says Postel. "We've seen rivers running dry all around the world, from being dammed and diverted, and here's one ecosystem of great significance that two countries are working cooperatively to try to restore. So many others need restoration too."


            • #7
              I've driven over the Colorado river in Yuma, AZ. It's about 5 feet wide...

              I also have a terrascape front and rear backyard. I only have a 5x10 grass patch lol.

              I'm all for water conservation. Nobody needs a huge grass yard they have to water every few days. Not only is it expensive to maintain is just not being smart with our water.
              Last edited by 2011GT; 03-25-2014, 12:20 PM.


              • #8
                Slowly getting there...

                This image shows the leading river flow approximately 12 miles downstream from Morelos Dam


                • #9
                  I was reading about this a last week and came across this video. Pretty funny for a PSA - hopefully they'll get some exposure with a couple of big names like this.


                  • #10
                    Matt, did you post that vid on F/B, or on here some time ago?
                    I've seen it a while back. Good film for sure, and damned shame too.



                    • #11
                      That's fuckin cool

                      Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk


                      • #12
                        I don't know why we won't invest in desalinization plants out west. The cost is high but they can't keep depending on a river that's slowly becoming a trickle.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by turboford View Post
                          I don't know why we won't invest in desalinization plants out west. The cost is high but they can't keep depending on a river that's slowly becoming a trickle.
                          Yes, it is high and costs a lot to actually run/make usable water. However, especially the gambling towns should use this as opposed to lake water...etc...etc.
                          Originally posted by MR EDD
                          U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by cobrajet69 View Post
                            Matt, did you post that vid on F/B, or on here some time ago?
                            I've seen it a while back. Good film for sure, and damned shame too.

                            Yeah I posted it a while ago. This thread is also old, just resurrected to put up pics of the water release. The whole thing is fascinating to me.


                            • #15
                              Some more awesome pics.

                              Pete McBride (the guy who made that vid in the first post, and contributor at Outside Mag) decided to go be the first to standup paddleboard the "new" section of river

                              8 miles south of San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico where the river was advancing at 500 meters per hour.

                              earthen damn they breached/removed along the way:

