I am torn on this, I have watched this now several times.
On one hand we have a violent woman that wanted to do harm to the reporter.
On the other hand I loath reporters that stick their microphone in your face to get
an instant reaction for their ratings and further their careers. IE: getting the story.
Defiantly violence is not appropriate in any situation, especially when you are on TV.
But what would have made the reporter leave her alone? The dogs did for sure.
On one hand we have a violent woman that wanted to do harm to the reporter.
On the other hand I loath reporters that stick their microphone in your face to get
an instant reaction for their ratings and further their careers. IE: getting the story.
Defiantly violence is not appropriate in any situation, especially when you are on TV.
But what would have made the reporter leave her alone? The dogs did for sure.