with fish they just use the real fish to pull a mold off of and they are fiberglass right? I saw that on How it Made and it made sense after I saw it but never thought about it.
I think they both look real good, the ducks eyes look a bit off but I dont know anything about them, that may be normal.
Fish are skinned like everything else, or freeze dried, or reproduction. Reproductions are popular, since its less work for the money the taxidermist makes.
Just like everything else time is money, and taxidermy takes time.
Reproductions are popular, since its less work for the money the taxidermist makes.
I have a real mount but next will be a repro. The real mount is the first large bass I caught when I was a kid. Now all you need are pictures from every angle and some measurements, and you can throw the fucker back and catch it next year.