Most kids seem to enjoy it. My nephew screamed because he had icing on his hand. Only time I've ever seen a kid totally lose his shit when eating that way.
Most kids seem to enjoy it. My nephew screamed because he had icing on his hand. Only time I've ever seen a kid totally lose his shit when eating that way.
Most kids seem to enjoy it. My nephew screamed because he had icing on his hand. Only time I've ever seen a kid totally lose his shit when eating that way.
OCD can be a motherfucker.
I use to have a serious issue with stuff on my hands. It really sucked to be a mechanic with a clean hand issue. I got over it by sticking my hands down in the food disposal and squishing all the debris around and staring at my filthy hands until the migraines went away.
I still can't stand to transfer filthiness to anything from my hands, but I can pretty much function normally otherwise.
My son has no trouble whatsoever digging into his food, as you can see. But I do see he is starting to move food in certain way. Almost like he is seperating it out.
I think the OCD in this kid comes from a failure to discipline on the parents part. Maybe I'm too quick to react, but they are too slow.
At one? I will give my son a light tap on the hand when he starts grabbing hair and such. Maybe say NO when he gets into something that he shouldn't. But other than that, there isn't much you can do at this age.