I work on BlackHawk helicopters, it does have it's perks....we flew these Miller Lite Girls around for a whole day
to different parts of the country....trying to lift all the joe's spirts
"The Fox body mustang is a vagina car.If you don't have one to play with...you WANT one to play with....unless your're a fag..."
I work for sprint, get to see some pretty nice views
Shit, we're practically looking right at each other. I'm in that first silver building.
Originally posted by Jester
Every time you see the fucking guy....show him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.
No pictures of my desk, but I sit in front of a keyboard from 7am to 5pm M-F doing Legal and Compliance work for a finance company.
After work and on the weekends I work at the shop slinging bondo with my pops,
Not enough work for me to quit my desk job and open up my own business yet. But one day I plan to be self employed.
Long story short I went through 3 80gallon compressors from lowes in less then 4months. POS I can say, So picked this one up from T.S.C.(Great deal too, $860 out the door) and ended up going half's on the welder with my pops.. I just need a few more tools to get, but these I needed the most.. My 2nd Ingersoll Rand compressor
haha i broke bread first last year! i will be better prepared this time, last year was my first st patties day parade and i was thinking i was only gonna be out there a few hours. i got into my car to drive back home 11 hours after getting there lol
I started out using AMI 107's back in the mid 90's and have been in and out of cleanroom work since then. What company do you work for? I'm out of local #100 but don't tell anyone on this site they hang all union guys...