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You boutz to get taseddd

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  • #91
    real houswives of atlanta.


    • #92
      Originally posted by stevo View Post
      Read post #82.

      In the 2nd video that sure looks like a pistol. You can see the hammer and the rear sights clearly several times.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Pope View Post
        This 100%, I just took the Oklahoma Concealed/Open carry license course and this is something they stressed well over 50 times throughout the day. Do not pull your gun unless you are ready and need to kill someone. PERIOD!
        Good thing police officers don't have to fire every time they pull their weapon


        • #94
          Originally posted by stevo View Post
          He didn't pull a gun, he pulled a taser, and he did it because the niggle in the white shirt said "I'm gonna find me a brick", walked over and picked up something by the trashcan near the street, I assume the security guard thought the niggle was going use it as a weapon/projectile.

          Originally posted by stevo View Post
          Read post #82.


          2:38 That is clearly the ass end of a pistol.

          Those shitheads, especially the big dude in the doorway would not have backed off like that for a taser.

          4:50 they start telling him "he ain't gon' shoot no one" and talking about him grabbing his gun.

          5:07 he raises it and you can clearly see the bottom of the mag, the slide, etc, and they start saying, "fuck yo' gun"

          You didn't actually watch it did you?
          Last edited by Strychnine; 01-30-2013, 08:55 AM.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Cooter View Post
            Good thing police officers don't have to fire every time they pull their weapon
            What? Logic? Get out of here!

            Pope- you don't shoot to kill BTW, you shoot to render them incapable of continuing the action that required you to use deadly force.

            EDIT: Sorry for any confusion. I only shoot center mass, thus rendering them incapable, not "shooting to kill or injure"
            Last edited by BMCSean; 01-30-2013, 12:07 PM.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Cooter View Post
              Good thing police officers don't have to fire every time they pull their weapon
              I understand what you're saying but I didn't go through Police Academy training.
              Originally posted by BMCSean View Post
              What? Logic? Get out of here!

              Pope- you don't shoot to kill BTW, you shoot to render them incapable of continuing the action that required you to use deadly force.
              I don't agree with that at all. By your logic you would aim for nothing but peoples arms and legs. If I feel like my life is threatened I'll do whatever it takes to protect my life. If I incapacitate you in the process, then I'm done, but I am aiming to kill.

              The way that you choose to protect you and yours is totally up to you I won't try to sway that. My CLEET and NRA certified trainer was former military, former Police, former SWAT, and a former undercover narcotics officer who opened my eyes to a lot of things. I didn't come in here to get into a debate about excessive force though. Let's keep this back on topic.


              • #97
                Originally posted by BMCSean View Post
                What? Logic? Get out of here!

                Pope- you don't shoot to kill BTW, you shoot to render them incapable of continuing the action that required you to use deadly force.
                If you're planning on incapacitating someone then they have not given you sufficient reason to use deadly force. If your gun comes out you should have already decided to take someones life. You don't shoot to injure.
                Last edited by CJ; 01-30-2013, 11:49 AM.
                "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                • #98
                  Originally posted by CJ View Post
                  If you're planning on incapacitating someone than they have not given you sufficient reason to use deadly force. If your gun comes out you should have already decided to take someones life. You don't shoot to injure.
                  Shooting to get sued if you do.

                  Listen, if they get hit with water, then spawn. Dropping one won't hurt.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by liberal FB chick View Post

                    She's a traditional oppressed person expressing herself in probably one of the few ways that she knows how to. She's dealing with the intersectionality of oppression through several lenses. Classism based on poverty and economic disparity due to disadvantaged that has exited for black people since slavery. Not to mention sexism based on being a woman. In our society, people are always pulling out the "bad mother card" or "trashy/slutty/etc. woman". But you never hear "bad father/ slutty father/ trashy rather, etc.". Only judgments on mothers and their ability to parent. It's sexism.

                    I have spent my time working in these communities and am working on my thesis for my masters/phd program for it.
                    Hooray for you, honey. The world needs one more liberal idiot with a freakin' PHD.
                    Last edited by JP135; 01-30-2013, 11:54 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
                      2:38 That is clearly the ass end of a pistol.

                      Those shitheads, especially the big dude in the doorway would not have backed off like that for a taser.

                      4:50 they start telling him "he ain't gon' shoot no one" and talking about him grabbing his gun.

                      5:07 he raises it and you can clearly see the bottom of the mag, the slide, etc, and they start saying, "fuck yo' gun"

                      You didn't actually watch it did you?
                      Yeah, I watched it several times, did you? If you listen to the one niggle talking shit at around 2:58-3:05 you can clearly hear him muttering "pulling out taserz an' shit".

                      As far as seeing his 'gun', I saw the back of it, it is the same as is in the video below which is the same model/type as the one he shot in the first video (@ 3:47, if you want to look yourself). I do think it is funny that you guys think a bunch of fucking hood rats would still be talking shit in front of a guy with a handgun in his hand.

                      Originally posted by SSMAN
                      ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                      • Originally posted by CJ View Post
                        If you're planning on incapacitating someone then they have not given you sufficient reason to use deadly force. If your gun comes out you should have already decided to take someones life. You don't shoot to injure.
                        I should have elaborated more, sorry. I ONLY shoot center mass! In court you don't want to argue that you were shooting to kill or injure.


                        • Wherever that is, I never want to go there. That shit had me squirming in my seat!
                          Ronald Reagan:"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it."

                          Homer: "Bart...there's 2 things I know about women. Never give them nicknames like "jumbo" or "boxcar" and always keep makes you look like a business man."


                          • I still say it's not a taser.

                            Look at the size of the ducktail on the guard's weapon vs the taser vid posted.

                            And look at the rounded top of the slide vs the squared off corners of the taser.

                            Not to mention at 9:30 the woman on the phone says "he pulled out a gun"

                            anyway, back to the best part:

                            Last edited by Strychnine; 01-30-2013, 02:16 PM.


                            • Maybe some of the video experts here can chime in, looks the same to me given the pictures and video distortion. As far as people saying "he pulled a gun" there are people talking about him pulling a taser. You can 'shoot' someone with a taser, you cannot taser someone with a handgun. Also, if you read the comments on that video, other people mention him pulling the taser.

                              Lastly, do you honestly think those apes would still be pulling that shit if someone standing in front of them pulled out a handgun?

                              Originally posted by SSMAN
                              ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                              • Originally posted by stevo View Post
                                Lastly, do you honestly think those apes would still be pulling that shit if someone standing in front of them pulled out a handgun?

                                LOL, I don't put it past them to do anything. There is absolutely no rational thinking on their part in either of these vids. They have zero capability of de-escalating a situation and feed off of the feeling that they can't lose face in front of their "peers".

                                I mean one of those kids saw his mom (?) get tazed and he's spouting off about the guard being gay??? None of it makes any sense.

