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You boutz to get taseddd

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  • #16
    I'd try to boot the kids in the head on sheer principle.


    • #17
      Got what she deserved....


      • #18


        • #19
          It really sucks to see kids so overcome by the fucked up environment they are raised in. They have absolutely no reference to right and wrong. Frightening stuff.

          Someone cataloged the slang terms on reddit, LMAO.

          36 back it ups
          4 "BEEP BEEP BEEPs"
          29 What's ups
          16 You better back it ups
          4 Pussy Niggas
          3 YEEHAWS
          10 Nigga you gays
          6 Bitch niggas
          I lost count of you gay..


          • #20
            I couldn't hardly understand what they were saying, I just felt like I was about to get pick pocketed. Fucking savages. This is our future. Fuckin' Lincoln.


            • #21
              After watching her hit the ground and come back up, it's clear she didn't learn her lesson, because her first reaction was to start mouthing.

              And was the kid crying or cheering - getting ready to attack her?


              • #22
                What the fuck did I just watch?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by David View Post
                  What the fuck did I just watch?
                  When animals attack?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by David View Post
                    What the fuck did I just watch?
                    you just watched the product of our forefathers biggest mistake


                    • #25
                      Someone got the backstory to this? I assume it was either a security guard or cop with a body cam. That was a scary situation and I think the officer was black too. God damned hoodlums...


                      • #26
                        Chicken Ale????
                        2015 Premium GT (50th Anniversary Package)
                        2014 Lincoln MKT


                        • #27
                          It is a shame that they don't maker an auto-loader taser, I would have shot Rastus in the fucking throat with the second round.

                          Originally posted by SSMAN
                          ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by BigTitan21 View Post
                            Chicken Ale????
                            KFC's new jungle juice?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Tannerm View Post
                              Someone got the backstory to this? I assume it was either a security guard or cop with a body cam. That was a scary situation and I think the officer was black too. God damned hoodlums...
                              00:00 Camera cop is chilling in front of his store when one of the kids screams at the top of his/her lungs.
                              00:02 Camera cop then yells "Hey!" because the kid is being really loud and annoying.
                              00:10 the Mom starts yelling "Don't yell at ma modafuckinbaby! She nod inside dis rugged-ass mall! So you NOT gonna yell at her!".
                              00:16 she gets mad because he isn't looking at her while she bitches at him.
                              00:22 her annoying friend joins in the yelling at him too.
                              00:26 Camera cop starts telling the women to "Back it up" because they're too close.
                              00:28 lady starts saying "You gonn get beat! You gonn get beat!"
                              Around 00:35 she starts saying "Fuck niggle" (she meant nigger but you can clearly hear her say "niggle").
                              At 00:55 the mom brings the argument back on track by repeating "She can yell, she can yell, she can yell". She was pretty upset the cop asked her kid to stom screaming bloody murder.
                              Fast forward to 02:23 cop is sick of dealing with them and basically says "Alright, just stay out".
                              02:57 Camera cop tells guy in white beater shirt "Get out dog", not sure why but he must know the guy is with the mom and her friend somehow.
                              03:02 Kids start coming into the store chanting "You gay!" to wich the cop tells the lady "Get your kids!"
                              03:12 First contact! After being asked to get her children and get out she decides to be smart and shove the cop. Bad idea. At this point you can see him pull his taser out (3:15)
                              03:16 Cop telling woman to back up and pushing her outside.
                              03:21 Kid starts crying as a fight breaks out.
                              03:29 POP! Taser has been shot. Mom's friend falls over like a board. All the kids screaming. A large crowd has gathered. All this because he asked your kids to stop screaming?
                              03:48 Whale sighted off the port side.
                              03:53 "Whatchu doin' man?" Dad comes out of nowhere behind the whale and starts to get upset. "Mah babies right there!"
                              04:08 Shit is getting dangerous. Camera cop has his taser pointed at the dad (You can see the laser on his chest)
                              04:12 Sounds like he is saying "You gonn' get jumped. At 6." Implying he is going to come back and finish this later.
                              04:16 Many black guys all wearing white tshirts. No idea why everyone is dressed the same. Maybe the're a dance crew.
                              04:24 Kid with his pants falling off trying to sneak around cop, runs into garbage can.
                              04:30 Repeats the fact that he is coming back at 6, followed by inaudible trash talk as he walks out. By now a large crowd has gathered.
                              04:48 The End.


                              • #30
                                Sadly, it isn't the end.

