Back at the start of December, Whiteboy pawned his 97 cobra off on me. I had been trying to find one for a while and I was pretty happy to get his. It was in pretty bad shape when I got it. Looked like the heater core took a crap in the passenger floorboard and they just let it dry, there were coke spills everywhere, the steering wheel leather was shot, front end was rattling like all hell, exterior was bad, and the interior was overall filthy. The good news was that it was running great.
Just going to keep this thread running as I continue to fix it. Wheels and tires, followed by paint and carpet are the next items on my hit list. Hoping to have the cosmetics completely fixed by spring. It looks slow because it is slow.
Here it was when I picked it up.

First thing I had to do was give the interior a good cleaning. The carpet is still FUBAR and I plan on buying new carpet for it. Took the calipers off and found the pads were shot and the anti rattle springs were worn out. Got those fixed and it quieted it down.

Christmas came a little early this year. Got some smoked headlights, Chrome gauge rings, Shifter Bezel, and headlight knob. I have floor mats on the way. Also got the odometer fixed.

Just going to keep this thread running as I continue to fix it. Wheels and tires, followed by paint and carpet are the next items on my hit list. Hoping to have the cosmetics completely fixed by spring. It looks slow because it is slow.
Here it was when I picked it up.

First thing I had to do was give the interior a good cleaning. The carpet is still FUBAR and I plan on buying new carpet for it. Took the calipers off and found the pads were shot and the anti rattle springs were worn out. Got those fixed and it quieted it down.

Christmas came a little early this year. Got some smoked headlights, Chrome gauge rings, Shifter Bezel, and headlight knob. I have floor mats on the way. Also got the odometer fixed.
