i dont even know geor but he makes a solid point. the last couple years members like you come on here trolling thinking: A. you are funny B. you are cool for being a troll
neither are the case
Guess I can cry about it ? you won't be able to suck me into any of your bull shit. Geor's comment made no point and if it did, it wasn't even close to what you posted. And I've been here, as an active part of this web site since 2002. Just because I don't make the Christmas party, doesn't make me a troll.
my bullshit? i dont have to delete accounts and start new ones to troll on everybody cause i have been ran off/account deleted, that's your bullshit. since you have been around so long you should know nobody cares for trolls, unless you have some sick thing to where you like the abuse..
my bullshit? i dont have to delete accounts and start new ones to troll on everybody cause i have been ran off/account deleted, that's your bullshit. since you have been around so long you should know nobody cares for trolls, unless you have some sick thing to where you like the abuse..
This is old news. I have admitted to taking the whole aids "joke" too seriously in the past. My son was just born and had a lot going on. So 2 years later, you want to bring it back up?