Yesterday I awoke from my slumber from a text from my mom saying that my dad had backed into my car. My wife pulled it out of the driveway to get her car out and left it parked on the street because she was in a hurry, and dad just rolled right back into the driver's side where the front door and the rear door meet. Honest mistake, but he should have been paying attention. I have good insurance so it won't be an issue to fix. There's some paint gone and his paint transferred to it, and the sheet metal is bent pretty good.

The thing that really boils my blood is that when I left work yesterday, walk up to my car in an empty parking garage (I stayed late) and go to open my passengerside front door to throw my laptop bag in, and see this:

Fucking Camry that was parked next to me all day apparently just threw their door open and it slammed into mine. Opposite side of the car than the other damage. PAY A-FUCKING-TTENTION!!!! Just because you don't care about YOUR car doesn't give you the right to fuck someone else's up. I was parked clean, square, and in the middle of my spot, and this dent is about as long as a coke can is wide. There's no way this was a subtle accidental bump where it rubs the paint a bit. Fuck. I think someone is gonna get the air let out of their tires today...
At least I didn't get shot in the leg though...

The thing that really boils my blood is that when I left work yesterday, walk up to my car in an empty parking garage (I stayed late) and go to open my passengerside front door to throw my laptop bag in, and see this:

Fucking Camry that was parked next to me all day apparently just threw their door open and it slammed into mine. Opposite side of the car than the other damage. PAY A-FUCKING-TTENTION!!!! Just because you don't care about YOUR car doesn't give you the right to fuck someone else's up. I was parked clean, square, and in the middle of my spot, and this dent is about as long as a coke can is wide. There's no way this was a subtle accidental bump where it rubs the paint a bit. Fuck. I think someone is gonna get the air let out of their tires today...
At least I didn't get shot in the leg though...