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WWII Russian tank jumpstarted and driven out after 75 years

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  • WWII Russian tank jumpstarted and driven out after 75 years

    Skip to about 9 minutes in if you dont want to watch it all.

  • #2
    Fuck yeah!


    • #3
      I need to polish up on my Russian.


      • #4
        that's pretty impressive.


        • #5
          Sucks that they had to de-mil the barrel

          I love the sound of a pissed off diesel


          • #6
            That's pretty damn cool!

            I'd like to see what a mess a current gen ISX would be in 75 years with all the emissions horseshit.


            • #7
              67 years?


              • #8
                Originally posted by EW View Post
                67 years?
                Nope. WWII ended in '37. Jeez, dude, read a book or something.


                • #9
                  Srsly though, here's the info.

                  It's been there since '44.

                  "Deerslayer" Ready to Rumble!

                  During search operations in 2003, with. Golinkov Chernigov region staff research and production firm "Tanais" found a self-propelled gun ISU-152 "Deerslayer", which stood in the center of the village next to the village council, and, in many years, partly grown into the ground. Become acquainted with the local authorities learned that she came to him after the war, and were going to put on a pedestal. But unfortunately it was not to become a monument, because the village council at that time there was no money to build the pedestal. And then about her at all forgotten. Once it still used when it was necessary to uproot some powerful tree in the village center. Trees tied with thick chains and ship to self-propelled guns had no problem to pull them by the roots out of the ground.

                  Thought of the self-propelled, when scrap prices have started to rise. All hatches have self-propelled guns were open. Local residents and visitors are more likely to visit this place during the Second World War. All that can be unscrewed and removed, was removed. Speaking of the gun. She was ready for battle. The only thing missing striker. We had to make demilitarization. Gas welding and weld barrel cut bolt carrier. But the most important thing - the engine that was in place, no one before him could not reach. Specialists restored the power and engine starter compressed air. The cooling was missing two radiators (they were made of aluminum). Then established a system of fuel supply to the simplified scheme. After many years of being in the open air, rain and snow have done their job. Self-propelled gun started to rust from the inside. I had to change the fuel pump. Fuel and air filters also have been ruined. After all these events, we connected to the electrical system two KAMAZ battery. Before you start the engine, we were able to scrap by hand crank shaft of the engine. To our delight he was "alive". After the first attempt to start the engine with a battery, "he cleared his throat," and earned. With the exhaust flew leaves, and a lot of different stuff. The driver tried three times to move the "Deerslayer" in first gear, but to no avail. It was only after the reverse gear, "Deerslayer" left his "foxhole" ...

                  And then someone joked that Tymoshenko is going ... to the Supreme Council.
                  And, after a short walk in the area of ​​"motor noise" heard by the district administration and the region. And while the political situation in the country was not stable.
                  Unfortunately, the police have lost six months of examination and inspection of all documents for the occasion. Fortunately all ended well. Any violations of the law of Ukraine was found


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
                    Nope. WWII ended in '37. Jeez, dude, read a book or something.
                    Ha, wasn't thinking about the date. That was the title I found it under.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
                      Nope. WWII ended in '37. Jeez, dude, read a book or something.
                      World War*II, or the*Second World War*(often abbreviated as*WWII*or*WW2), was a global*war*that was underway by 1939 and ended in 1945


                      • #12
                        If I ever became wealthy, I would collect WW2 armor. It's always been a life long dream.
                        "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                        "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
                          Sucks that they had to de-mil the barrel

                          I love the sound of a pissed off diesel
                          Yeah, what was that all about?


                          • #14
                            That's awesome. Good old military stuff is really simple and versatile.

                            I remember when my buddy got his M113. It hadnt run in about 20 years and sat through Katrina. Got it to Houston and checked the wiring and only need was a new starter switch. Forrest came and helped get it running and after a few more tweaks the thing hasnt stopped running since.


                            • #15
                              I love 113s
                              2004 Suzuki DL650
                              1996 Hy-Tek Hurricane 103

