My buddy in Weatherford has one. His does have the Toronado transaxle, but he seemed to think it got ok mileage for what it is. It's ok, but but most RVs aren't built for the long haul. I haven't worked on one of those, but some are built with no concept of maintenance.
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Cool to own one ?
Originally posted by Chas_svo View PostMy buddy in Weatherford has one. His does have the Toronado transaxle, but he seemed to think it got ok mileage for what it is. It's ok, but but most RVs aren't built for the long haul. I haven't worked on one of those, but some are built with no concept of maintenance.GOD BLESS TEXAS
August Landscaping
Seb's high class.
He'll mow your grass.
He'll kick your ass.
And while his kidney stones pass,
He'll piss in a glass!
I can see big cost in upgrading it to modern standards though
anyone owned an older rig ? Did you run into anything out on the road that youd like to change ?
Sure you can slap a gps on there but what else w e looking at ? back up camera , modern hookups , modern sewage ....... the list probly goes on a while
They were well built, fiberglass tub that isnt as prone to leaks, but just like anything that is 30 years old, there are things that will just stop working or not work as well anymore.
They have a following, and it sounds cool as hell to "fix up an older one" but int he end you have a rebuilt, heavy, dinosaur that doesnt have the features that new(er) unit would."If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford
There is no such thing as a good rv. They are all built with bailing wire and balsa wood. If you buy new your first outing will be a trip to the repair station, they do not check them out after being built and the guys that get paid to check them out pencil whip them to make the money and let the dealer take care of the come backs. Old rv's are even worse than new ones in every way imaginable. We had a customer spend over $60 grand on a 1983 P.O.S and when it was said and done it still looked and drove like a 1983 P.O.S. no matter how much modernization was done to it. They are a waste of money.... but some say i'm just biased......