white paaahhhhrrrr

Bigotry and mass displays of white entitlement have long been calling cards of the state of Mississippi, and the ignorant exhibition of racism that caused over 400 White students to riot in protest of the re-election of President Barack Obama is just more of the same.
The modern-day Klan rally began with 20-30 students on the campus of Ole Miss in Oxford, and quickly swelled to over 400 students according to Chancellor Dan Jones. The word went out on social media and, as Black students expressed embarrassment and anxiety, more and more little Grand Wizards in-training showed up to burn Obama/Biden signs and release their frustration that a Black man is once more Commander-in-Chief.
it's truly sad, in my eyes.

Bigotry and mass displays of white entitlement have long been calling cards of the state of Mississippi, and the ignorant exhibition of racism that caused over 400 White students to riot in protest of the re-election of President Barack Obama is just more of the same.
The modern-day Klan rally began with 20-30 students on the campus of Ole Miss in Oxford, and quickly swelled to over 400 students according to Chancellor Dan Jones. The word went out on social media and, as Black students expressed embarrassment and anxiety, more and more little Grand Wizards in-training showed up to burn Obama/Biden signs and release their frustration that a Black man is once more Commander-in-Chief.
it's truly sad, in my eyes.