I missed the GTG due to a long planned return to the gulf. We left Tuesday night and got back to DFW about 3am Friday morning. We spent the next 4 hours cleaning Vermillion snapper, blackfin tuna, king mackerel, and a couple sharp nose sharks.
If anyone likes to fish, these are one hell of a trip for the money. $350 will get you on the boat for 36 hours, and you don't really need to bring anything. You can catch plenty of fish with what they provide, but it always helps to bring your own gear.
Here's some of the catch from the trip:
60+ lb yellowfin

73 lb grouper:

Couple of big Amberjacks:

Couple of Mahi-mahi (dolphin fish)

Shitload of blackfin tuna:

One Blackjack (looks like a pirate fish, or Frankenstein fish that has been stitched back up):

There was a freaking HUGE barracuda that was eating our tuna on the way up:


And of course HUNDREDS of vermillion snapper:

The boat has 10 picnic tables that fold out for bunks so you can nap while the boat is going to the fishing spots:

I highly suggest taking this trip if you enjoy getting away from your devices and having fun. There is no cell reception 100 miles out in the Gulf, and it makes for a great time.
The boat does not allow food/drink, so plan to bring about $30 for food (water, Gatorade, burgers, corn dogs and snacks, they also have beer). The food is reasonable, and we usually tip the snack bar person $10 per trip and the deckhands $20.
If anyone likes to fish, these are one hell of a trip for the money. $350 will get you on the boat for 36 hours, and you don't really need to bring anything. You can catch plenty of fish with what they provide, but it always helps to bring your own gear.
Here's some of the catch from the trip:
60+ lb yellowfin

73 lb grouper:

Couple of big Amberjacks:

Couple of Mahi-mahi (dolphin fish)

Shitload of blackfin tuna:

One Blackjack (looks like a pirate fish, or Frankenstein fish that has been stitched back up):

There was a freaking HUGE barracuda that was eating our tuna on the way up:


And of course HUNDREDS of vermillion snapper:

The boat has 10 picnic tables that fold out for bunks so you can nap while the boat is going to the fishing spots:

I highly suggest taking this trip if you enjoy getting away from your devices and having fun. There is no cell reception 100 miles out in the Gulf, and it makes for a great time.
The boat does not allow food/drink, so plan to bring about $30 for food (water, Gatorade, burgers, corn dogs and snacks, they also have beer). The food is reasonable, and we usually tip the snack bar person $10 per trip and the deckhands $20.