So, I've slowly been getting this truck up to speed as far as where I want it. I think I'm done for a while, because to me the next step is probably a 4/6 drop and wheels etc...
Anyways over the past 2 months I've Added:
A vintage air system (my favorite mod)
A radio from LMC (actual vendor is custom autosound) with mp3 capabilities but still retains stock appearance.
Kick panels from a guy on
Kicker 4.5 speakers
New seat cover from a guy on the same site as above, it was about $150 cheaper than LMC and the same or better quality IMO.
A warmseat seat heater kit
Window tint
I had the seat cover professionally installed because I suck at stuff like that. I'm glad too because it needed a lot of work to look right. And I pulled the bed rails off, I thought they looked grandpa-ish. Not that the truck isn't that already, I just don't think it needed anymore help. I'm pretty happy with where it's at now. I had a couple of necessary mods due to failure. I added a new gas tank and rebuilt the carb due to rust in the tank. The carb was full of crap so that got rebuilt too. Hopefully all I have to do now is drive it and enjoy it. Now for the pics, and a couple of close to same angle before and after pics.
Before tint and rail removal:


New seat cover:

Dash and seat cover before:


Closer view of the radio, and you can see one of the kick panels with speaker:
Anyways over the past 2 months I've Added:
A vintage air system (my favorite mod)
A radio from LMC (actual vendor is custom autosound) with mp3 capabilities but still retains stock appearance.
Kick panels from a guy on
Kicker 4.5 speakers
New seat cover from a guy on the same site as above, it was about $150 cheaper than LMC and the same or better quality IMO.
A warmseat seat heater kit
Window tint
I had the seat cover professionally installed because I suck at stuff like that. I'm glad too because it needed a lot of work to look right. And I pulled the bed rails off, I thought they looked grandpa-ish. Not that the truck isn't that already, I just don't think it needed anymore help. I'm pretty happy with where it's at now. I had a couple of necessary mods due to failure. I added a new gas tank and rebuilt the carb due to rust in the tank. The carb was full of crap so that got rebuilt too. Hopefully all I have to do now is drive it and enjoy it. Now for the pics, and a couple of close to same angle before and after pics.
Before tint and rail removal:


New seat cover:

Dash and seat cover before:


Closer view of the radio, and you can see one of the kick panels with speaker:
