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Black conservative women tells it like she see's it

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  • #16
    skilled experts of argue, fuss, and confrontation!


    • #17
      Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
      IMO politics needs to stay in it's own section. I only go in there when I wanna get the nut jobs torqued off and get a laugh.
      Then don't click on the fucking link.....


      • #18
        Originally posted by ceyko View Post
        Did I miss something? I'm seeing a person blaming politicians for things that revolve around person choices and responsibilities. i.e. 90% of black babies born don't have a father because....blah blah blah. (Something along those lines.)
        I agree, this is fucking stupid.


        • #19
          Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
          And where do you get YOUR facts? Faux news? Rush? Or some other right wing nuthugger site?
          So which news organization do YOU believe?


          • #20
            for a moment i thought i was watching animal planet.

            Without my gun hobby. I would cut off my own dick and let the rats eat it...


            • #21
              somebody get that fucking cunt a fried chicken drumstick to shove in her cock holster to shut her the fuck up geez.


              • #22
                Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                Did I miss something? I'm seeing a person blaming politicians for things that revolve around person choices and responsibilities. i.e. 90% of black babies born don't have a father because....blah blah blah. (Something along those lines.)

                The reason is poor personal choices! Just because she supports Rep. - that's okay but the core reasons are all f'ed up as far as I can tell. (edit: i.e. black this, black that...etc as opposed to overall reasons. Best for the country, constitution ...etc)
                Yeah I think you missed her making a correlation between liberal policy and poor living standards in the inner city.

                Some is personal choice but if you remove that lazy welfare choice that libs give then things would improve for them by forcing them to make the right choices.
                1971 Ford Torino - Time to go bigger and better.

                2011 F150 Limited - Stock with a 6.2


                • #23
                  oh hey look... its a jig complaining. Who cares about politians there all crooked either way lol


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by threefortytwo View Post
                    holy fuck that was annoying
                    I made it about 10 seconds.



                    • #25
                      This chick is ignorant as shit. A two sided discussion would be impossible with this bitch. She just yells her opinion instead of listening... WHATS YOUR POINT WHATS YOUR POINT. Hate people like that, then she asks why people are leaving. She must make a lousy consular.


                      • #26
                        I made it 30 seconds in but couldn't hear her. She really needs to speak up a little louder.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by brent98gt View Post
                          This chick is ignorant as shit. A two sided discussion would be impossible with this bitch. She just yells her opinion instead of listening... WHATS YOUR POINT WHATS YOUR POINT. Hate people like that, then she asks why people are leaving. She must make a lousy consular.
                          Probably sucks at spelling too.

