Thanks, we tried for 30 minutes to get her goin. She was still alive but would never take off. Me and 5 other guys tried to get some oxygen in her, she would swim about 15 ft then just belly up. I was SO torn. I'm 100% catch and release. I wanted someone else to catch her in the spring when she was 13lbs but she would never go. I didn't want some joker coming and catching her in their cast nets since there were a few folks waiting for us to leave with nets in hand. So I just brought her with me and I'm going to the taxidermy in the morn. Believe me I was upset I couldn't let her go.
Nice! What'd you catch her on? Im the same way with bass, they got a softspot in this chest cavity of mine lol. You did what you could though man no shame in that. congrats on the tourney
Thanks. I'm so excited/upset lol I caught her on a C-rig with about a 4 ft leader with a grande bass 8" watermelon worm with red flake. Last cast of the night with about 3 minutes left before weigh in.
Man, what a feeling. Few know it, but what a feeling. Such a big fish....a game fish....fighting you and the whole time you are praying that the fucking line doesnt break!
May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
Semper Fi
Man, what a feeling. Few know it, but what a feeling. Such a big fish....a game fish....fighting you and the whole time you are praying that the fucking line doesnt break!
I know, I thought it was a catfish but when she jumped it was amazing and my buddy couldn't get the net fast enough lol
I know, I thought it was a catfish but when she jumped it was amazing and my buddy couldn't get the net fast enough lol
Man I bet. Wish we could honestly get those moment s in a soft drink. Could you imagine? Take a drink of coke and HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe it was like that back in the day when "coke"was a part of Coke. lol
May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
Semper Fi