You sir have beat me I have desire to do a back flip, however my need to go to work and be productive everyday keeps me from attempting. Something about no sick days, very little paid time off (both in time and $ amount), and the fact that healing sucks.
I enjoy a good ride, love me some water like glass in the late evening. Boat doesn't throw the best wake, but it's paid for and serves it's purpose. Just happy to be on the water, love living minutes from the launch.
You sir have beat me I have desire to do a back flip, however my need to go to work and be productive everyday keeps me from attempting. Something about no sick days, very little paid time off (both in time and $ amount), and the fact that healing sucks.
I enjoy a good ride, love me some water like glass in the late evening. Boat doesn't throw the best wake, but it's paid for and serves it's purpose. Just happy to be on the water, love living minutes from the launch.
That's not a backflip, it's a Superman. It took a few bumps and bruises before I even jumped wake to wake the first time. Other than powerslides on the u-turn, that's as far as I got before I broke my leg. I'm too old and busted up for that shit now. :bBishope: I've been on the water since, but the thought of the rod in my leg keeps me from going big.
That's not a backflip, it's a Superman. It took a few bumps and bruises before I even jumped wake to wake the first time. Other than powerslides on the u-turn, that's as far as I got before I broke my leg. I'm too old and busted up for that shit now. :bBishope: I've been on the water since, but the thought of the rod in my leg keeps me from going big.
It's an air raley. And I've knocked myself out a few time learning them. The only true back flip in wake boarding is a tantrum. Everything else is a side flip or gainer.
That's not a backflip, it's a Superman. It took a few bumps and bruises before I even jumped wake to wake the first time. Other than powerslides on the u-turn, that's as far as I got before I broke my leg. I'm too old and busted up for that shit now. :bBishope: I've been on the water since, but the thought of the rod in my leg keeps me from going big.
It's an air raley. And I've knocked myself out a few time learning them. The only true back flip in wake boarding is a tantrum. Everything else is a side flip or gainer.
Damn, I have only skied in my lifetime. But I had no idea that wakeboarding would fuck you up so much.
Sorry for the thread derailment.
04 2.6 KB'd Cobra!
Originally posted by Sean88gt
There is something about her that just makes my dick completely take over any thought process. If Russell Brand were on top of her, I'd fuck him just to say I pushed a dick inside of her.
It's an air raley. And I've knocked myself out a few time learning them. The only true back flip in wake boarding is a tantrum. Everything else is a side flip or gainer.
In reference to both posts I was only stating that I'd like to be able to say that I can backflip etc or have the ability to. Hell I'm still working on hitting wake to wake, if I'd shed about 40 pounds and man up I'd be there. Mostly just enjoy a nice ride, hit some wake jumps, and enjoy the water. I really like the forgiveness of my wakeskate, makes me wish I'd been more into skateboarding as a kid but not enough smooth surfaces plus enjoyed motorized toys. That being said hats off to you both and that looks like some monster air Mystic