We have a property with an old section of track on it in the back that is no longer used.
Anyone who wants a railroad spike from it can have it.
Hell yea. Make sure to have a lookout or be wearing a protective vest while trespassing. Oh yeah and fill out a job breifing book and do a fire assessment.
"If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford
Hell yea. Make sure to have a lookout or be wearing a protective vest while trespassing. Oh yeah and fill out a job breifing book and do a fire assessment.
Aaaaannnndddd, I'm proud to be an AMERICAN where at least I know I'm FREE
How do you know? Anything iron will rust, and it could have been blemished or quality control rejects that were purchased from the manufacturer at a discount.
Originally posted by SSMAN
...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.
How do you know? Anything iron will rust, and it could have been blemished or quality control rejects that were purchased from the manufacturer at a discount.
I've seen enough spikes in my time and layed enough rail to tell you those spikes were at least 20 years old. Not to mention they were curved so that tells you they've been pulled. Which equals USED.
If you think I'm wrong. Go over to DOHCTR's house and collected about 100 spikes. Then take them to your local scrap yard. Let me know how that works out for you.
I've seen enough spikes in my time and layed enough rail to tell you those spikes were at least 20 years old. Not to mention they were curved so that tells you they've been pulled. Which equals USED.
If you think I'm wrong. Go over to DOHCTR's house and collected about 100 spikes. Then take them to your local scrap yard. Let me know how that works out for you.
it would go down pretty easy. Where did you get those? Forgot. Good, heres your cash, dont tell nobody. See you next time.
"If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford
I've seen enough spikes in my time and layed enough rail to tell you those spikes were at least 20 years old. Not to mention they were curved so that tells you they've been pulled. Which equals USED.
If you think I'm wrong. Go over to DOHCTR's house and collected about 100 spikes. Then take them to your local scrap yard. Let me know how that works out for you.
If I drive out to the local scrap yard, pull out my camera, and find a pic of a railroad spike in the scrap heap, will you leave this website and never come back? Because I was out there day before yesterday, and know where there is a pile of them...
Originally posted by SSMAN
...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.
If I drive out to the local scrap yard, pull out my camera, and find a pic of a railroad spike in the scrap heap, will you leave this website and never come back? Because I was out there day before yesterday, and know where there is a pile of them...
They will buy them if you're licensed and have permits to sell railroad items. You think this shit isn't regulated. If that was the case every joe blow would be pulling up the rail as the train was going over it. But go ahead take some to the scrap yard. Let me know what the special agent's name is and how much that felony cost you.
They will buy them if you're licensed and have permits to sell railroad items. You think this shit isn't regulated. If that was the case every joe blow would be pulling up the rail as the train was going over it. But go ahead take some to the scrap yard. Let me know what the special agent's name is and how much that felony cost you.
Make up your mind if it is either legal for them to be sold to scrap yards or to the public or it is a felony to own them....
Make up your mind if all people in possession of railroad spikes are felons or if there are legal means of owning them....
Make up your mind if you will continue to show your idiocy or stfu when you are wrong, by your own admissions....
Make up your mind if you will be leaving when I take pictures of those scrap spikes or making up more excuses....
Originally posted by SSMAN
...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.