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  • #16
    I love that color and very clean Z. I have a white 97 with 230k on the clock and still running strong. Damn good trucks that last if taken care of.


    • #17
      Holy damn that's a clean son of a bitch!


      • #18
        Wow. That's a nice truck! I'm in the market for a fullsize, preferably a 3/4-ton, but I'd buy that for close to market value if you wanted to sell. I hate the brushguard, but that's a damned nice truck!


        • #19
          Originally posted by smrr1 View Post
          searched ebay, craigslist, and autotrader for about 6 months. found lots of good low mile trucks but the price was just stupid high. found this one on ebay in dallas. contacted the owner and purchase away from ebay.

          original owner in ohio only put 11k on it until about 2 years ago.
          second owner purchase to use as a work truck and immediately changed his mind.
          third owner purchased and shipped to dallas. drove for 2 years (17k miles) and now wants a new one.
          I knew it! I bid on that truck 2 years ago on ebay. Seller was in Ohio. My high bid was $13,900 and I was outbid in the last hour. I rebid to $14,500 but the winner got it for $16,700. The Ohio owner had unreal photos of every nook and cranny of that truck- so clean you could eat off the undercarriage.


          • #20


            • #21
              I had forgot how good those trucks can look with clear headlights and no dents or scratches. Mid 90's are still some of my favorite trucks for both Ford and GM, Dodge not so much.


              • #22

                god bless.
                It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


                • #23
                  Helpful hint blurr out the plate pics ASAP .... To many lookers and those things get taken left and right


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by SMKR View Post
                    I knew it! I bid on that truck 2 years ago on ebay. Seller was in Ohio. My high bid was $13,900 and I was outbid in the last hour. I rebid to $14,500 but the winner got it for $16,700. The Ohio owner had unreal photos of every nook and cranny of that truck- so clean you could eat off the undercarriage.
                    Ya he printed off all of those pics and i have them. Pretty awesome. Thanks everyone.


                    • #25
                      Nice find...those really were great trucks. I had a Suburban from that era for many years...traveled all over the country with that thing, hauled trailers, drove it daily for quite a while....was one of the best vehicles we've owned for sure.
                      70' Chevelle RagTop
                      (Forever Under Construction)

                      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”- Thomas A Edison

