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Speed Trap Warning Sign gets woman arrested

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  • #61
    Cops don't know the fines for the tickets they write because they never get them. If a cop gets pulled over in his off time by another cop, they call it professional courtesy and let them go. They can high-five each other about how cool it is to be above the law as they go their separate ways.


    • #62
      I wont dignify some of the comments in this thread just because they sound like rants from people mad at the world.

      As for the young lady. What would possess someone to get off their bike, make a sign, and protest cops running radar? I am a avid cyclist and I would applaud the fact they are slowing down some of the distracted drivers that are out there on the road with me.

      Now on to the officers. Why not just move on to the next area. Orrrrr lower your speed criteria for stopping people on that road. I would say "you didnt see that girl holding up the sign andddddd you were speeding" WTF. I would slap one of my guys on the back of the head if he even acknowledged the girl in a hostile way. I might roll up on her and ask her why she chose to hold up the sign but shit like this never makes me mad. People do strange things and I like to know why sometimes. If she said F you piggy I would just smile and be on my way. I can see where this would anger people and I fully understand. I can also see where if she was running out in the road acting goofy she might get a ride to the jailhouse by officers. Who knows I wasnt there

      To the gentleman above me. I can assure you I know most of the fines for my department right off the top of my head or close to them. They change them often so sometimes I might be a tad off. I can also assure you I have put two police officers in jail. I have showed up on calls where the guy handed me his or her badge first after asking for ID. My response is usually "Did I ask you for you badge or ID" and I am no longer pleasant at that point. Just the same as I am a man of the cloth or god comment to me.

      As for the traffic violators. I stop an average of five to fifteen cars a night if I have a chance. Most nights we shag 50-60 calls among four or five of us and there is no time for traffic. I wright about ten percent of what I stop. Mostly for no DL or FMFR. I have never been a big speed guy, or moving violation guy, unless it is just plain ignorance. Good PC yes but I try not to screw with peoples lively hoods a lot. My favorites are Invalid MVR, MVI, No Dl,FMFR. I also do not let bad attitudes affect my writing tickets or taking to jail or not. The POP ticket never works in your favor. So 90 percent of the people I stop make it. Guess what? The people that are very polite, honest, and pull right over generally make it. You have just as good of a chance of not getting a ticket with me as any police officer would. As a matter of fact the last police officer I took a report from got very pissed at me and my partner. My partner even lit into his ass about his bulshit story. I have been around a long time and can detect bullshit from a mile away cop or not.

      So please to the FTP guys. A little less on the all cops are fucking crazy ass jack booted thugs and focus on the guys in the articles. Like I said prior to this, you will never see me on here defending stupid. I mayyyyy give another view that I could see playing out if the story sounds biased or sketchy.
      Last edited by kingjason; 07-02-2012, 03:44 AM.
      Whos your Daddy?

