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Speed Trap Warning Sign gets woman arrested

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  • #31
    Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
    This officer chose a poor way to handle the situation, but again, interject yourself into something like this and you can't help but expect something negative to happen.

    The officer is fully justified in using radar to obtain PC to stop traffic offenders.

    She poked the sleeping dog, and got bit. Geez, I'm so surprised.
    Originally posted by MR EDD
    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


    • #32
      His true colors are showing more and more with every post.
      Originally posted by Silverback
      Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
        His true colors are showing more and more with every post.
        Yeah, I generally tried to cut him some slack since everyone's always busting his balls - sometimes a little close minded stuff on both sides.

        That post shows support for everything that everyone is complaining about with a lot of police.

        I feel a lot better that the girl was taken to jail. I'm sure there is more to the story, but probably not much more.
        Originally posted by MR EDD
        U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


        • #34
          Will someone that's an officer find the smallest offense possible that 03trublue has committed and arrest him? Remember, you can be arrested for anything except open container and speeding. Follow him and make sure he uses his turn signal everytime, has a front plate, etc. Better yet, arrest his wife. I'm sure he'd be completely cool with that, I mean it is the law and you'd just be upholding the law correct?


          • #35
            Originally posted by helosailor View Post
            I expect better from the HPD.

            Oh no, wait, no I don't.
            no shit...
            04 GT
            91 LX


            • #36
              Originally posted by MattB View Post
              Will someone that's an officer find the smallest offense possible that 03trublue has committed and arrest him? Remember, you can be arrested for anything except open container and speeding. Follow him and make sure he uses his turn signal everytime, has a front plate, etc. Better yet, arrest his wife. I'm sure he'd be completely cool with that, I mean it is the law and you'd just be upholding the law correct?
              It would be against their LEO code.
              Originally posted by MR EDD
              U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


              • #37
                At one time it was "To serve and protect" now all they do is "Ticket and Collect" they found a way to make "crime pay".
                My Dad is a former "Officer of the Law" and even he can't stand how they act these days.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by MattB View Post
                  Will someone that's an officer find the smallest offense possible that 03trublue has committed and arrest him? Remember, you can be arrested for anything except open container and speeding. Follow him and make sure he uses his turn signal everytime, has a front plate, etc. Better yet, arrest his wife. I'm sure he'd be completely cool with that, I mean it is the law and you'd just be upholding the law correct?
                  And for God sake don't ever question the all-knowing Officers. If you do, that is also grounds for justifiable arrest.

                  Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                  She poked the sleeping dog, and got bit. Geez, I'm so surprised.
                  14 Raptor
                  18 GT350


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by GrayStangGT View Post
                    That's is all fine and good, but is she fully justified in holding up a sign next to the road? I don't know the law, but if that isn't illegal there is no excuses for the officers actions.
                    Unless there is some Houston city ordinance, I would think her actions are legal, and humorous.

                    Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                    Of course it is her fault, huh deputy dumbass?
                    It's so easy to get under your thin skin Alan...


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View Post
                      I'm sorry, but I don't buy it. The cop wanted to prove a point, and he did. That he didn't mind being a dick to someone who was getting in the way of making that money. If the cops goal was to see people slow down on that stretch of road, shouldn't he have been a bit more considerate?
                      Yea, he proved a point, but are you really surprised of his reaction to her action?

                      You folks think that the whole reason cops write tickets is to make money. I'd be willing to bet that most cops don't even know the fine scales for the tickets they write. And I'd doubly bet that they don't receive a single kickback from those tickets, unlike your city officials.

                      Unfortunately, being "considerate" is not a requirement. There's about as much common sense in policing as in our federal government.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by MattB View Post
                        Will someone that's an officer find the smallest offense possible that 03trublue has committed and arrest him? Remember, you can be arrested for anything except open container and speeding. Follow him and make sure he uses his turn signal everytime, has a front plate, etc. Better yet, arrest his wife. I'm sure he'd be completely cool with that, I mean it is the law and you'd just be upholding the law correct?
                        Man, you are funny!

                        Should I post one of your old mugshots????


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by abecx View Post
                          This is where you're wrong, police officers catch more criminals via routine 'contacts' ( which they are required to hit, however they do not have a ticket quota ). They find more people with warrants, stolen cars, etc just by catching them going 5 mph over in a speed trap or having no front license plate, etc... The likelihood of them stopping or catching criminals in the act is just too remote.

                          However, while the method of 'contacts' may work, its stupidly inefficient and it sets cops up to be fucking retards similar to 03trubluGT. Patrol officers start to feel they are performing actual police work. This in turn lowers the requirements for the position and dumbs everyone else down that they end up being so stupid and small minded when real stuff happens they do not know how to handle the situation because the police force is able to hire retards to come hit the siren whenever the OCR in the computer finds someone with warrants.

                          There are much smarter precincts out there ( typically not in Texas ). Some of them in large rural areas ( large like DFW ), have algorithms similar to the drop down on Googles search engine that tells them likely locations that criminal activity will be, and instead of letting the cops pick where they want to go, it tells them where they need to patrol and sets their route based on time of day, day of the week, and projected criminal activity. The result has proven to lower crime rates just via presence and with more interaction in the places that need which helps people feel safer and secure, not like they are being ignored and can lower racial tension. Of course, cities like Dallas would lose a huge revenue stream and this is one of the main reasons why its not more widespread ( plus it costs a fair bit to setup ). If we had a state tax, then perhaps we would see more of its implementation in the lone star state.

                          As with everything, we should be thinking smarter not harder. If the job requires 3472938472 police officers, we are doing it wrong.

                          Your first paragraph is pretty good, but after that it goes down hill fast.

                          Where do you go to find that massive pile of shit misinformation?

                          "Projected criminal activity"???? Sure, why not issue a bunch of crystal balls or divining rods to police and have them seek out crime?

                          Chasing a bunch of dots on a map (crime stats) will NOT deter crime, it will just move the crime to where the police are not at.

                          This place continues to amuse me with it's collective ignorance on policing. It's like one of you advising a brain surgeon how to complete his next procedure. Just because you saw it on TV, or stayed at a name brand motel last night does not give you the expertise on the subject.

                          If you want to deter crime, saturate an area with police, and then send unmarked units to the areas around that saturation point. Since the bad guys will be looking for the cops (because they are so easy to see in those uniforms and black and white cars) they will go to areas easy for the pickings and that's hopefully where the UC cars can nab them in the act.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                            Yea, he proved a point, but are you really surprised of his reaction to her action?
                            Am I surprised that a cop went out of his way to bully someone who was sticking up for her fellow man? Not one fucking bit. If the cop had one lick of sense, he'd have realized that her sign was probably slowing traffic almost as much as his speed trap.

                            Originally posted by 03trublueGT
                            You folks think that the whole reason cops write tickets is to make money. I'd be willing to bet that most cops don't even know the fine scales for the tickets they write. And I'd doubly bet that they don't receive a single kickback from those tickets, unlike your city officials.
                            Nope, I know cops don't get a kickback, but it doesn't matter considering the ridiculous attitude that many police officers have. If you go so far as insinuating that they had no reason to pull you over, they'll go out of their way to fuck your day up. Many cops are liars(just as many citizens are liars), and being forced to submit to the power trip of a liar is a very unsettling experience.

                            Originally posted by 03trublueGT
                            Unfortunately, being "considerate" is not a requirement. There's about as much common sense in policing as in our federal government.
                            Sure, I'll buy that. That's everyone's point exactly. No reasonable citizen is expecting life to be full of fairy tales and blowjobs. We expect Police to hold themselves to a higher standard that is befitting over the power they hold.

                            Speeding tickets are $300, the average person makes somewhere in the neighborhood of ~$600 a week. Knowing that, any cop who chooses to nail people to the wall over a small speeding offense should have his ghetto pass revoked. He's a punk, plain and simple.

                            I'm an adult. The fact that a police officer can pull me over for not wearing a seat belt and write me a $200 citation makes me livid. That's the kind of bullshit that people are tired of. Cops being fuckheads just because it's within their power to do so and not be held responsible.

                            I know, I know. It's not the officer's discretion to change fine amounts, but knowing the fine amounts and being a reasonable person should make all of these unseen majority of good cops take a look in the mirror and realize that what they do at work has a ripple effect that lasts far longer than their shift.


                            • #44
                              Well said ThreeFingerPete.

                              You made a very good point that I forgot to say. Cops see writing tickets as ten minutes gone from their work day, it's just another piece of paper handed to someone. To the person getting it; it's 3-4 day's of work for nothing, another day of work missed for court, and a possible raise in insurance. That's about $400 with the missed day of work, and that's only if you're able to get the ticket differed off of your record. Otherwise it's much more. This is all for a very minor speeding offense, and around here it's usually for going with the flow of traffic. The punishment doesn't fit the crime. I just can't understand how anyone can honestly say that tickets aren't an extra way of getting more money from our citizens. The cops may not be the ones deciding what the tickets cost, but they are the ones out there handing out these fines to there fellow man. Kind of reminds me of the hunchback guy from the movie 300.

                              The other good point was that the police are supposed to be held to a higher standard. They're supposed to be the voice of reason in chaotic situations, but anymore they're just the other side of the argument. They aren't held to higher standards anymore, yet they're word is still taken above the word of others.
                              .223 > 911


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                                Man, you are funny!

                                Should I post one of your old mugshots????
                                Sure go ahead. I don't think you know me, I've never had a mugshot, but maybe you know something I don't?

