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Speed Trap Warning Sign gets woman arrested

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  • #46
    Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
    It's so easy to get under your thin skin Alan...
    Sorry, Susie not even close. Maybe you should try insulting me personally or something?
    Originally posted by racrguy
    What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
    Originally posted by racrguy
    Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


    • #47
      Originally posted by SouthernSVT View Post
      Well said ThreeFingerPete.

      You made a very good point that I forgot to say. Cops see writing tickets as ten minutes gone from their work day, it's just another piece of paper handed to someone. To the person getting it; it's 3-4 day's of work for nothing, another day of work missed for court, and a possible raise in insurance. That's about $400 with the missed day of work, and that's only if you're able to get the ticket differed off of your record. Otherwise it's much more. This is all for a very minor speeding offense, and around here it's usually for going with the flow of traffic. The punishment doesn't fit the crime. I just can't understand how anyone can honestly say that tickets aren't an extra way of getting more money from our citizens. The cops may not be the ones deciding what the tickets cost, but they are the ones out there handing out these fines to there fellow man. Kind of reminds me of the hunchback guy from the movie 300.

      The other good point was that the police are supposed to be held to a higher standard. They're supposed to be the voice of reason in chaotic situations, but anymore they're just the other side of the argument. They aren't held to higher standards anymore, yet they're word is still taken above the word of others.
      Yet all of this can be avoided by going the speed limit. Don't wanna pay a ticket, don't speed. If the punishment is that harsh for you, then you're stupid for risking it.

      I agree that, if we're talking about 5, maybe 10 over, it is BS to a point. If you can't afford a ticket though, you shouldn't be driving any faster.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Big A View Post
        Yet all of this can be avoided by going the speed limit. Don't wanna pay a ticket, don't speed. If the punishment is that harsh for you, then you're stupid for risking it.

        I agree that, if we're talking about 5, maybe 10 over, it is BS to a point. If you can't afford a ticket though, you shouldn't be driving any faster.
        I can afford plenty of tickets, and since I sold my Cobra I don't go any faster than +10 anyways. Still doesn't make it right.
        .223 > 911


        • #49
          If you want to lower crime, you get cops out of their cars and actually walk a beat. If cops are out with the community, getting to know them, talking to business owners (not just the coffee and donut shops) and being part of the community, you increase information and a feeling that a cop is part of things and not a thug with a badge.

          That said, while I'm not a cop, my degree is in criminal justice.
          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


          • #50
            Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
            If you want to lower crime, you get cops out of their cars and actually walk a beat. If cops are out with the community, getting to know them, talking to business owners (not just the coffee and donut shops) and being part of the community, you increase information and a feeling that a cop is part of things and not a thug with a badge.

            That said, while I'm not a cop, my degree is in criminal justice.
            Sorry the gospel of policing according to Matt states that policing is supposed to be reactive and not proactive.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
              Sorry the gospel of policing according to Matt states that policing is supposed to be reactive and not proactive.
              The downfall of things is when cops got A/C cars with tinted windows and computers. Now they can sit on their ass and do nothing but write tickets. And heaven forbid if one has to get out and actually chase someone.
              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


              • #52
                Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                Where do you go to find that massive pile of shit misinformation?
                It is not misinformation, multiple other cities are now adapting this type of technology which will only get better as more data is trended. Its search method is actually based on earthquake trending reports and aftershocks.

                From the program's start in Santa Cruz in July 2011 to Jan. 1, 2012, car burglaries and residential burglaries declined by 4 percent compared with the same period a year earlier, according to Santa Cruz crime analyst Zach Friend. Vehicle thefts remained about the same.

                "The goal of the program has not been to arrest people, it's to deter and prevent crime from occurring," Friend said.

                Having said that, there were roughly 13 suspects arrested during predictive police patrols.
                Not bad for a city that is increasing in population and for the first year of a new program. Some of the other cool statistics show they were able to keep these numbers with the same amount or even less police force in some departments. Save money and lower crime.

                If you want to deter crime, saturate an area with police, and then send unmarked units to the areas around that saturation point. Since the bad guys will be looking for the cops (because they are so easy to see in those uniforms and black and white cars) they will go to areas easy for the pickings and that's hopefully where the UC cars can nab them in the act.
                That is what cops want people to think so that their can be more of them and that ridiculous mentality is why they are all ill suited to perform the job that's required, brute forcing a problem is not a solution. I do not want to live in a policed state, hell, I already feel like a piece of shit if accidently do something that could be considered against the law because police can arrest for pretty much anything if you piss them off.

                There is two problems, cops try too hard to find people doing unlawful things and to get people to self incriminate, and since their primary method for catching criminals pulls them away from the places that should be patrolled then those places continue to get hit and breed more criminal activity.

                Case in point, there is an apartment complex near my gf's house that is constantly having people selling drugs and trying to prostitute about a block away from her residence. Unfortunately in this area police would prefer to clock motorists, these people don't have cars, how then do they plan on catching them?

                How much longer is it going to take for Dallas to realize its doing it wrong, over the last decade crime has decreased, but it still double the national average. Items like theft and robbery are insanely high in Dallas compared to other cities, and its because of the entire contacts mentality.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by abecx View Post
                  It is not misinformation, multiple other cities are now adapting this type of technology which will only get better as more data is trended. Its search method is actually based on earthquake trending reports and aftershocks.

                  Not bad for a city that is increasing in population and for the first year of a new program. Some of the other cool statistics show they were able to keep these numbers with the same amount or even less police force in some departments. Save money and lower crime.

                  That is what cops want people to think so that their can be more of them and that ridiculous mentality is why they are all ill suited to perform the job that's required, brute forcing a problem is not a solution. I do not want to live in a policed state, hell, I already feel like a piece of shit if accidently do something that could be considered against the law because police can arrest for pretty much anything if you piss them off.

                  There is two problems, cops try too hard to find people doing unlawful things and to get people to self incriminate, and since their primary method for catching criminals pulls them away from the places that should be patrolled then those places continue to get hit and breed more criminal activity.

                  Case in point, there is an apartment complex near my gf's house that is constantly having people selling drugs and trying to prostitute about a block away from her residence. Unfortunately in this area police would prefer to clock motorists, these people don't have cars, how then do they plan on catching them?

                  How much longer is it going to take for Dallas to realize its doing it wrong, over the last decade crime has decreased, but it still double the national average. Items like theft and robbery are insanely high in Dallas compared to other cities, and its because of the entire contacts mentality.
                  Not to mention these cities are hiring more and more cops and giving them outrageous benefits while telling the citizens that are paying for them "Don't call us for anything under x amount of damages, don't call us if the burglar isn't still in your home, don't call us if your car is stolen or there wasn't a violent crime in the process of happening. However if there is a violent crime happening, we may be there in an hour or so."

                  No, I call 911, you get your ass out here.
                  I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                  • #54
                    I typically avoid the daily (or sometimes 3x daily) FTP threads on here, but this is just fucking absurd. She was arrested for "stepping into the street"? You gotta be fucking kidding me?! This cop was just pissed that someone was going to force him to pack up his speed trap and move it elsewhere. Speeding is a game of cat and mouse that we all play. Sometimes you get caught and sometimes a driver in oncoming traffic flashes their headlights as a warning. Should that driver go to jail also?

                    I just moved away from Houston a year ago. I find it hard to believe they've cleaned up all the Katrina trash in the year I've been gone so these cops should have something far more productive to do.

                    In closing, I would fuck the girl silly.
                    - Darrell

                    1993 LX - Reef Blue R331ci
                    1993 Cobra #199 - SOLD


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by red95gts View Post
                      I typically avoid the daily (or sometimes 3x daily) FTP threads on here, but this is just fucking absurd. She was arrested for "stepping into the street"? You gotta be fucking kidding me?! This cop was just pissed that someone was going to force him to pack up his speed trap and move it elsewhere. Speeding is a game of cat and mouse that we all play. Sometimes you get caught and sometimes a driver in oncoming traffic flashes their headlights as a warning. Should that driver go to jail also?

                      I just moved away from Houston a year ago. I find it hard to believe they've cleaned up all the Katrina trash in the year I've been gone so these cops should have something far more productive to do.

                      In closing, I would fuck the girl silly.
                      If you look closely, the "FTP" threads are basically about shit like this.

                      Some people don't want to read it, some people rather pretend it doesn't happen, some people rather bitch to the mods/admin that it is some personal attack on them since they are fucking cops and it is a bad mark on their beloved profession. It really depends on which end of the stick you are one, the end getting stabbed or the end stabbing...

                      Originally posted by SSMAN
                      ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                      • #56
                        Some of the FTP threads are a bit of a reach, and since I usually end up anti-police I try and give them credit when it is due. However a good portion of the FTP threads make a good point, and some like this one are really fucking ridiculous.
                        .223 > 911


                        • #57
                          Are there better, more efficient ways to police our communities? Probably. Someone said we should go back to foot patrols. While that is a great way for officers to interact with citizens it takes a lot of manpower to cover the same area vs an officer in a patrol car. We use bikes on occasion, which are very effective.

                          I can't speak for other departments but we are getting more and more report calls. We are making efforts to streamline the process for our patrol guys. However it still takes time for the officer to drive to the call, talk to the involved parties, gather information/evidence, write the report, turn in evidence and get the report approved by a supervisor. And if an arrest is made it takes even more time.

                          Unfortunately all of these changes take time. You need to remember in most departments the people running the show are senior officers with several years on the job. So they may have the "I did it this way back in the day" mentality.

                          Disclaimer: my opinion is just that, mine. I am not speaking on behalf of any specific department. I do not represent any departments.
                          2007 Chevy TBSS


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by JamisonFRC View Post
                            Are there better, more efficient ways to police our communities? Probably. Someone said we should go back to foot patrols. While that is a great way for officers to interact with citizens it takes a lot of manpower to cover the same area vs an officer in a patrol car. We use bikes on occasion, which are very effective.

                            I can't speak for other departments but we are getting more and more report calls. We are making efforts to streamline the process for our patrol guys. However it still takes time for the officer to drive to the call, talk to the involved parties, gather information/evidence, write the report, turn in evidence and get the report approved by a supervisor. And if an arrest is made it takes even more time.

                            Unfortunately all of these changes take time. You need to remember in most departments the people running the show are senior officers with several years on the job. So they may have the "I did it this way back in the day" mentality.

                            Disclaimer: my opinion is just that, mine. I am not speaking on behalf of any specific department. I do not represent any departments.
                            Perhaps not, but you're also saying something is wrong with the system and if you exercise your rights, you don't see the citizen as guilty
                            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                            • #59
                              Plain and simple bullshit. Cops like that one are the ones that give other cops a bad rep. Then you have 03trublugt that in every thread wants to defend them, something that I just can't understand.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by 01-GATOR View Post
                                Plain and simple bullshit. Cops like that one are the ones that give other cops a bad rep. Then you have 03trublugt that in every thread wants to defend them, something that I just can't understand.

                                He fancies himself as some sort of judge/jury/executioner super hero. I bet his uniform is wrinkled from sleeping in it at night.

