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Finished making Christmas presents..

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  • Finished making Christmas presents..

    Finally, I'm done making pens for the family. What a friggin beating. After one day of my allergies going nuts from fine ebony dust I gained a whole new respect for my respirator and dust collector.

    You'll notice that a couple of the pens have an inlay. That is called a Scottish Knot and I've yet to get it right. I saw it done on youtube and like a typical dude I didn't bother reading up on how to do it. I just went with trial (two total failures) and error (neither of these is quite right)..

    But here they are, done...

    My first one with a Scottish Knot (that didn't blow up on me)..

    DSC_0018 by rboyett2001, on Flickr

    My 2nd successful knot (sorta) on a different type of pen.

    DSC_0006 by rboyett2001, on Flickr

    The set that went out in the mail today..

    DSC_0024 by rboyett2001, on Flickr

    Several of you have expressed interest in buying pens. I'm going to start doing that and even letting you order exactly what you want. There are a couple of things I want to get right before I move forward. The first is the finish on the pens. What you see here is a cheap finish. I'm going to start finishing them in linseed oil and CA (cement adhesive). The CA gives it a very hard and shiny finis that will last a long time. I had it demonstrated to me recently and that's the way I'm going to go to create a high quality product. The other thing I need to perfect is that Scottish Knot. There are several variations that I'm going to offer.

    Let me know what you think...

  • #2
    I'm very interested in one. About how much would you charge?


    • #3
      I think those are great. Let me know when you get them going, I would be interested.
      "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


      • #4
        They won't be cheap. I'm figuring materials and an extra $20 for the work. Extras like that knot (and a few other goodies) may be $5 to $10 extra.

        Pen kits can cost as little as $4 but can skyrocket to $50 for really high quality stuff. The wooden blanks cost from $0.50 to $10.00 depending on how exotic the wood is. The ebony for example was regularly priced at $3.00 but I got them for $1.00 each at a place in Richardson.

        Other materials are glue, lots of sand paper, micro mesh, steel wool, linseed oil, CA for the finish, etc, etc... It's a fairly involved process to get them right..

        But then you get a custom pen that is made to order..


        • #5
          im down to get a couple when you're ready!!


          • #6
            Nice work!


            • #7
              Great work. I appreciate the detail.


              • #8
                Impressive, nice work.


                • #9
                  im interested in some as well...
                  ./ ____ _ _\.
                  (]]]_ o _[[[)

                  God closes doors no man can open, God opens doors no man can close. Revelations 3:7-8


                  • #10
                    wow looks good. id be interested if i could keep up with an ink pen

