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Old guy vs skaters LOL

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  • Old guy vs skaters LOL

    The first clip is so freaking great.

    Big Rooster Racing
    1985 Mustang GT

  • #2
    I use to run skaters over with my dirt bike when I was a kid


    • #3


      • #4
        I really dislike skateboarders, but the cops and rent a cops were complete douchebags.


        • #5
          welcome to the internet, i saw that video about umm 7 years ago ?


          • #6
            How many kids were there? Scatter, they can't catch you all.


            • #7
              kids need to learn to shut up once every so often.


              • #8
                First clip was hilarious. "I didn't ask where, I just killed Germans!" Second clip, the rent-a-pig went too far and is lucky he didn't get some steel trucks to the back of his skull. Third clip was too far in to the altercation to form an opinion, but the kid sounded like a little bitch. That last clip was pretty funny, too.
                "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                • #9
                  Sweet front side big spin brah


                  • #10
                    At the very end of the first video.... where's the unedited version??? :drool:


                    • #11
                      I just watched the first video. First, the last part was great!
                      Next, the old guy bitching needs to know that he is bitching about what he fought for and at this point is irrelevant. When the words 'i don't understand' come out of an elderly person's mouth, they need to learn acceptance and realize that time has passed them by.

                      Now, the skater and the rent a cop...who walks away when the combatant can still inflict harm?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                        Next, the old guy bitching needs to know that he is bitching about what he fought for and at this point is irrelevant. When the words 'i don't understand' come out of an elderly person's mouth, they need to learn acceptance and realize that time has passed them by.
                        The video was a setup. Perhaps the skaters weren't in on it, but the old guy was mic'd and that was definitely planned ad lib for the camera.


                        • #13
                          It's still greatness. Thoes skaters wernt sure what to do...
                          Big Rooster Racing
                          1985 Mustang GT

