I got bored with the 740i as it was too clean to drive every day and I kinda hit a wall in modifications without spending big bucks. Sold it to a dude in Dallas that seems to love it and I moved on to my next project. I was searching for something completely different when a Jaguar XJR kinda fell in my lap. Wanted one bad when they came out but could never afford one. Well they are dirt cheap now! Car needed some love and much to my dismay the only parts you can get at the parts store is oil and plugs so I had to buy almost everything via the interwebz but should be a solid car when I am done. 
Already modded the exhaust and installed a CAI. Supercharger pulley and tool arrived today so I will install them Tuesday when I install the new brakes and cooling hoses.
Without further adu, here it is. 1998 Jaguar XJR.

Already modded the exhaust and installed a CAI. Supercharger pulley and tool arrived today so I will install them Tuesday when I install the new brakes and cooling hoses.
Without further adu, here it is. 1998 Jaguar XJR.
