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Plane crash

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  • #16
    Originally posted by SC457A View Post
    Just curious here.... Has anyone actually seen a plane crash?

    I saw an F-4 crash into Mesquite's golf course as a kid... Will never forget that image, or sound.
    The closest I've come to one is watching a Huey autorotate after losing it's engine. However the pilots were both from the Vietnam era with thousands of flying hours. They made an awesome autorotation landing. The Huey was in such good shape that we just had to put a new engine it it. A lot of the time an auto rotation requires the landing gear to be replaced at a minimum.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Sgt Beavis View Post
      The closest I've come to one is watching a Huey autorotate after losing it's engine. However the pilots were both from the Vietnam era with thousands of flying hours. They made an awesome autorotation landing. The Huey was in such good shape that we just had to put a new engine it it. A lot of the time an auto rotation requires the landing gear to be replaced at a minimum.
      the auto rotation procedure is probably one of the scariest things in the world. Gotta have balls of steel to watch the ground come at you and flare the collective right at the last minute.
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      • #18
        The Grumman F4F Wildcat registry follows the history of all Wildcats that survived military service.

        I watched this Wildcat crash.. It says in the article he was on final approach, but he wasnt. He was flying with a Hellcat and a B-25 in a staggered formation at around 1Kft and they did a slow left turn and the wildcat passed behind the B-25 and went through the prop wash, immediately went inverted and straight down into the ground. I was involved with the airshow that year and we were all at the end of the runway eating and I was standing watching the planes fly around the field. went down probably a halfmile from me. As soon as I saw it auger in, I ran to my car and drove down to the crash site, but there was really nothing left.


        • #19
          Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
          There is video from someone on the tarmac to where you actually see blood spatter.
          This one has several really close angles, no blood though.


          • #20


            • #21
              I think most people did not expect the plane to turn their direction at the last second, leaving them trapped. This video has a lot of good angles not seen in the link above.


              • #22
                Originally posted by GT Fanatic View Post
                I think most people did not expect the plane to turn their direction at the last second, leaving them trapped. This video has a lot of good angles not seen in the link above.
                I doubt the pilot made it turn. Looks like the left wing stalled out causing that crash.

