Looks like he lost control on the slick roads this morning heading to TMS. He's supposedly doing alright though getting himself checked out at the hospital. However, his first classic he built back in the late 80's early 90's has seen better days.
I hope that he's alright. Sad to see the car messed up but it looks fixable.....he's probably been wanting to make some changes anyway.
My brother and I have been trying to get him to repaint it for fucking ever. He wants to start from scratch with just the chassis and do a coupe, dunno what he plans on doing with the body.
Very sorry about the car Spenser, but the important thing is that pops is okay. Man, that sucks. Maybe it will get him re-interested in rebuilding it or building something new. It doesn't look unrepairable.
Glad he is doing okay, sucks about the car. That is my only fear with buying / building an old car like that. I would always fear wrecking in it, with less than stellar safety standards.
My dad had a 58 Chevy PU for years that I also drove a fair amount. It had low-back buckets, no seat belts, and a ton of steel and glass surrounding you. I was always a bit nervous driving that on the freeway.