69 years ago, one of the more important battles started in the SWPA. The 5th AF caught a Japanese convoy heading to New Guinea with 3,000 troop and equipment to help defeat the Aussies and Americans. 8 Transport ships and 4 destroyers were sunk. My dad suited up for this mission, but weather prevented their flight from attacking..
Dobodura, 4Y airstrip where my dads Group, the 3rd Attack was based.

The Sqdns of the 3rd and the guys who flew the mission:
13th Sq

8/89th Sqdn.

90th Sqdn..

90th CO. Major Ed Larner led the Group. Plane name is his wife's nickname

Some combat shots..
89th Pilot Bill Beck, from Waco Texas, had his bomb release fail, so he strafed this transport numerous times before another 89th plane sunk it..

Destroyer that was hit and sunk

transport ship hit by Jack Methvin, of the 13th Sq.
Dobodura, 4Y airstrip where my dads Group, the 3rd Attack was based.

The Sqdns of the 3rd and the guys who flew the mission:
13th Sq

8/89th Sqdn.

90th Sqdn..

90th CO. Major Ed Larner led the Group. Plane name is his wife's nickname

Some combat shots..
89th Pilot Bill Beck, from Waco Texas, had his bomb release fail, so he strafed this transport numerous times before another 89th plane sunk it..

Destroyer that was hit and sunk

transport ship hit by Jack Methvin, of the 13th Sq.
