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My Z71

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  • My Z71

    After my Z06 I bought this Z71 and well after a year and half of ownership I have my truck just about done on exterior mods, here are some before pics and a teaser pic of the after, will get some more photos tomorrow

    I miss my vette, but damn I have loved this truck

    the day i picked it up

    after the old man removal mod, ditched the steps the pin stripe the mud flaps and bug guard

    added rough country leveling kit

    and now, added factory flares, color match handles, and new wheels

  • #2
    I'll trade you a yellow 94 GT with 126000 miles for it.


    • #3
      I usually hate aftermarket wheels on redneck trucks, but I actually like those. Nice tasteful mods. The truck looks a lot better.


      • #4
        Looks nice


        • #5
          Looks like a nice truck to me! Are you done with go fast cars?


          • #6
            I like the color!
            GOD BLESS TEXAS
            August Landscaping
            Seb's high class.
            He'll mow your grass.
            He'll kick your ass.
            And while his kidney stones pass,
            He'll piss in a glass!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Skidmark View Post
              Looks like a nice truck to me! Are you done with go fast cars?
              naw just been taking a break, been itching to buy another car pretty bad, hopefully by the end of the year I'll have another car to play with too


              • #8
                Wow, good looking truck sir. Not a big Cheby fan, but I would drive.
                If you can read this thank a teacher. If it's in English thank a soldier.


                • #9
                  I think it would look better if you removed the chrome strip on the sides. I do like the color though it looks great.
                  Originally posted by Nash B.
                  Damn, man. Sorry to hear that. If it'll cheer you up, Geor swallows. And even if it doesn't cheer you up, it cheers him up.


                  • #10
                    Looks slow! haha They already sold the Subaru. D bags.


                    • #11
                      Looks really good man. I just picked up a '00 Silverado Z71 a month ago. First time owning a truck, and I'm really digging it. I had to do the "old man demod" to mine too LOL

                      I like your lift, how's the ride? Wheels look like the newer factory GMC Z71 wheels. What tires you running?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mystic96 View Post
                        Looks really good man. I just picked up a '00 Silverado Z71 a month ago. First time owning a truck, and I'm really digging it. I had to do the "old man demod" to mine too LOL

                        I like your lift, how's the ride? Wheels look like the newer factory GMC Z71 wheels. What tires you running?

                        Depending on how you set the bars is how it rides. With my winch and bumper I have mine about level and its a firm ride but still nice. I added bilstein shocks made for the leveling kit and it made a huge difference. The stock length front shocks are usually a little short after a level.

                        And OP... looks good!


                        • #13
                          i actually prefer the 2nd pic best.. but still a nice ride and waaay better than the grandpa mobile it was before


                          • #14
                            day light pics, truck still needs a good detail


                            • #15
                              Damn it! Now I'm searching craigslist. I want one just like that but crew cab.

