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Racist spelling bee

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  • #16
    Originally posted by 91cavgt View Post
    Why is that a jaw dropper? I feel as though the guy is right. Why is it acceptable to have a BET, Black Pride, NAACP, Black History month, and others such as these but it is racist if there was a white only TV station, White pride, ect. It is a double standard. Everyone at some point in their life gets discriminated against. That's life. You either wine and moan about it or you prove those people wrong by making something of yourself by hard work. Now I will say that not all blacks have this entitlement mentality, but I have met plenty who do and I am sick of it being accepted as normal.

    I am NOT a racist, and with that I will say that I am proud of who I am.
    I would go beat the fuck out of all of them within an inch of their life, then fuck their chihuahua while they watch as they get loaded into the ambulance


    • #17
      Originally posted by HarrisonTX View Post
      "am i wrong?"

      Dude...African American is the preferred nomenclature


      • #18
        Originally posted by Goku025 View Post
        and since we are on the topic of racism this is a jaw dropper..
        Many Polynesians were treated similar to African Americans. They were thrown on plantations, in peruvian mines, treated horribly, and have stood tall and proud despite the very similar (hell, we could say even worse, since their land was "taken") treatment. I completely understand that guy's point of view. Hes a horrible debater, but my guess is he either wasn't prepared to defend his statement, or just didn't want to go down that road on television.

