1997 discovery series one with 121k. i know the last 3-4 years history on it. picked it up for $2,000. plan to use it for a couple years until i get around to turning it in to a serious wheeler.
i've got a serious hook up at a land rover dealer. this was a dd for my hook up and his wheeler has 275k on it with no real problems and this one has been dealer maintained since new.
can't argue that. not really concerned. it will be driven maybe 150 miles a month. park my truck and drive my wifes car since i drive 55 miles a day. she only works a mile from the house.
it didn't look so mint when i picked it up. sat outside under trees at his house and at work for the last few years and maybe got washed once! also carried dogs regular. 6 plus hours of cleaning.
I like them and they look wicked lifted but a car where headgaskets are basically regular maintenance is crap. Three amigos, dropped sleeves. Headaaaches.
it didn't look so mint when i picked it up. sat outside under trees at his house and at work for the last few years and maybe got washed once! also carried dogs regular. 6 plus hours of cleaning.
Any tree sap?
Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
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