Why have the UPS guy drop them off? If no one is home tell them you will pick it up. Either way hope they find these sorry pieces of shit and beat them till their hair turns red.
First hand witness at the failure of public healthcare.
Now you see, this is why I am on the fence about security camera systems.
Pro's: You may get to see the guys face and possibly the color and make of the car.
Cons: You get to watch you stuff get stolen and still may not catch them.
so what you are saying is that for your $1000 for a good system with the right coverage it is not worth the entertainment of seeing your shit get stolt?
Makes a good point. All though had the theif seen the camera do you think he would have had "ooops wrong house" moment.
so what you are saying is that for your $1000 for a good system with the right coverage it is not worth the entertainment of seeing your shit get stolt?
makes a good point. All though had the theif seen the camera do you think he would have had "ooops wrong house" moment.
This was not what I wanted to see after I just ordered like 4 boxes of shit to my parents house so the wife would be none the wiser. Yep they will be dropped off and left on door step I am sure.
My friends lives in McKinney off 380 west of 75. Someone was breaking into cars and his neighbor shot them a little while back. They got away, but all they left with was a bullet.
Atlantic Blue '00 - '03 Cobra motor and TKO600, solid axle, full MM suspension
Silver '01 Vette - D1 blown LS