For anybody who does not know me this was my grandfathers car till he passed. I told him the day he got it new that if he ever parted with the car i wanted the chance to buy it from him. When he passed the car went to my aunt who only used it to let her kids use as a run around car when they needed, or it just sat on the street. After a little over a year of this the car was hit on the street by a bunch of punks in an escelade running from the cops. My uncle deemed it not worth the trouble to get it fixed and continued to let the car sit on the street in cedar hill.....
I only go out there around once a year at best and when i saw the condition the car was in and how they were taking care of it i offered my aunt a grand for it and she accepted. I've always loved this car and it will always remind me of my grandfather. So this is the short story of my car.....
The day i got it home. 91000 miles....

285/50/18 nitto's

Mustang fanblades.

Metco rear control arms and watts link bilstein hd shocks.

4.10 gears track lock diff cover.

More in next post.
I only go out there around once a year at best and when i saw the condition the car was in and how they were taking care of it i offered my aunt a grand for it and she accepted. I've always loved this car and it will always remind me of my grandfather. So this is the short story of my car.....
The day i got it home. 91000 miles....

285/50/18 nitto's

Mustang fanblades.

Metco rear control arms and watts link bilstein hd shocks.

4.10 gears track lock diff cover.

More in next post.