I have a firm stance on abortion. It is the woman's choice, and no one else's.
I have dealt with anti-abortion protesters and discussed this topic. They want to tell a woman she is wrong for making a choice they don't agree with, but when u ask them if they would adopt, or if they would financially support a child if the decision was made to have it, they don't want to get involved.
Typical liberal attitude. "I want to tell you what to do as long as it does not effect me".
I have a firm stance on abortion. It is the woman's choice, and no one else's.
I have dealt with anti-abortion protesters and discussed this topic. They want to tell a woman she is wrong for making a choice they don't agree with, but when u ask them if they would adopt, or if they would financially support a child if the decision was made to have it, they don't want to get involved.
Typical liberal attitude. "I want to tell you what to do as long as it does not effect me".
Last I checked, conservatives were the ones all up-in-arms about abortion and pro-lifeyness.
Like I said on FB, on the bright side, repurposing old coat hangers is a clever way of going green!
I somehow came across a plastic fetus one time. I stuck it to the end of a bent up wire hanger and hung it from a wall. The best part was watching people squirm as they both laughed at it and felt awful for doing so.
Men have become the tools of their tools. -Henry David Thoreau
I have a firm stance on abortion. It is the woman's choice, and no one else's.
I have dealt with anti-abortion protesters and discussed this topic. They want to tell a woman she is wrong for making a choice they don't agree with, but when u ask them if they would adopt, or if they would financially support a child if the decision was made to have it, they don't want to get involved.
Typical liberal attitude. "I want to tell you what to do as long as it does not effect me".
Meh, I'll politely disagree with you on this one. If there is a father in the picture, he should have equal say in the matter. Yeah, the woman carries the child but he had just as much part in creating it and may very well be a great parent, even if the mom doesn't want the baby.
One of my best friends wife got pregnant several years ago and they weren't 'trying' to have a baby. Against his will, she got an abortion. To me, that's grounds for a divorce and a swift kick in the mouth.