I have been trying to think of something to do to it pinstripe wise. Its that denim white paint (flate with a metal flake) so dont know what would look good. My brother in law is wanting some on his ultra and was showing him some of your work. May have to make a road trip down there to ya. Can you normally knock out some light striping in a day?
Havent really driven the car hard as it only has couple hundred miles. It doesnt seem like huge power gains but has less rev hang and got rid of skip shift which was cool. Also the idle is neat.
RIP Roy Sebastion Fraga "lil' Roy" born december 7th 2010 gone back to heaven december 7th 2010. your always in our hearts and thoughts my special little grandson.
I have been trying to think of something to do to it pinstripe wise. Its that denim white paint (flate with a metal flake) so dont know what would look good. My brother in law is wanting some on his ultra and was showing him some of your work. May have to make a road trip down there to ya. Can you normally knock out some light striping in a few hours
Yep. No problem. Sorry, I forgot to check back to this thread and just remembered making the striping comment. Lol !
Where are you guys located that you would have to make a road trip down here ?