There comes a time when honest debate, serious diplomatic efforts, and logical arguments have been exhausted and only men and women willing to take up arms against evil will suffice to save the freedom of a nation or continent.
ive never ridden one, but i bet thats hard to ride. looks cool, i could never do that as i would forget a bolt or something then it would come apart on the highway while going 70mph.
god bless.
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass
ive never ridden one, but i bet thats hard to ride. looks cool, i could never do that as i would forget a bolt or something then it would come apart on the highway while going 70mph.god bless.
Or the wife finally decided to collect that life insurance policy.
When I was 7 living in Corona, CA back in the late 70's chopper bicycles were all the rage. A nice mexican let me borrow his to try and ride. It didn't go over too well. I laid it down and I got jumped. A much bigger mexican came to my rescue and told me these words that I never, ever forgot. He said, "Ju got to remember, holmes when you fight one bean ju gotta fight the whole burrito! Now go hoooooome!" Off I went.
What's he planning on using for engine-trans ? Does he already have the tins for it ? What's his plans for the paint ? Have him give me a shout when he gets ready for paint, of he doesn't have someone in mind already.
When I was 7 living in Corona, CA back in the late 70's chopper bicycles were all the rage. A nice mexican let me borrow his to try and ride. It didn't go over too well. I laid it down and I got jumped. A much bigger mexican came to my rescue and told me these words that I never, ever forgot. He said, "Ju got to remember, holmes when you fight one bean ju gotta fight the whole burrito! Now go hoooooome!" Off I went.
When I was 7 living in Corona, CA back in the late 70's chopper bicycles were all the rage. A nice mexican let me borrow his to try and ride. It didn't go over too well. I laid it down and I got jumped. A much bigger mexican came to my rescue and told me these words that I never, ever forgot. He said, "Ju got to remember, holmes when you fight one bean ju gotta fight the whole burrito! Now go hoooooome!" Off I went.