Half trolling, half legitimate because we all know that the metals in Heckler und Koch firearms are forged in the heart of a dying star, quenched in a sacred blend of the tears of Baby Jesus, and the sweat of Chuck Norris's nether-regions.
The polymers are made from the horns, hooves, bones, teeth and marrow of Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr, the very goats that drew the almighty Thor's chariot, when they were left behind at the peasant farmer's house after slaughter for Thor and Loki's meal. That peasant farmer and his village were the great ancestors of Edmund Heckler, Theodor Koch, and Alex Seidel.
They are test fired in the space between dimensions, and double-gravity-drop-tested twice from the gravitational pulls of two planets colliding together, under supervision from Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan.
It's said that through the eons of the universe, it is destroyed and formed again and again by naive mortals who do not understand the power they hold in H&K.
Half trolling, half legitimate because we all know that the metals in Heckler und Koch firearms are forged in the heart of a dying star, quenched in a sacred blend of the tears of Baby Jesus, and the sweat of Chuck Norris's nether-regions.
The polymers are made from the horns, hooves, bones, teeth and marrow of Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr, the very goats that drew the almighty Thor's chariot, when they were left behind at the peasant farmer's house after slaughter for Thor and Loki's meal. That peasant farmer and his village were the great ancestors of Edmund Heckler, Theodor Koch, and Alex Seidel.
They are test fired in the space between dimensions, and double-gravity-drop-tested twice from the gravitational pulls of two planets colliding together, under supervision from Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan.
It's said that through the eons of the universe, it is destroyed and formed again and again by naive mortals who do not understand the power they hold in H&K.
And phones are made by chinks in sweatshops.
If that is really all you, well played. Though I wonder if I c/p it and hit google, do I find a match?