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Last day of cruising

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  • Last day of cruising

    Well yesterday was nice and today is chill. Time to put her up for the winter. I don't see how some of you polar bears can tolerate the cold!
    Last edited by ARIX; 01-22-2011, 04:37 PM.

  • #2
    Uhm, It's not cold.


    • #3
      You must be canadian! 69 is my cut off. I work nights, so it sux when you have a warm day and find your self cruising home in 40's.


      • #4
        69 cutoff. LOL Single digits or ice/snow is my cutoff.
        2015 F250 Platinum


        • #5
          Originally posted by fordracing19 View Post
          69 cutoff. LOL Single digits or ice/snow is my cutoff.
          ^^^^This^^^^ Does it really get "cold" in Texas other than those rare days mentioned?
          Originally posted by mutherjuggz
          That whole "making love" shit is for the birds. I won't get all graphic on my preferences, but if you can't knock the bottom out with a vengeance.... leave me alone


          • #6
            Check your self bro , you're not that cool.


            • #7
              I have rode in freezing weather, sleet and ridiculous windy/cold weather. I didnt intentionally do it, so I understand your statements.


              • #8
                I've rode the big bear in high 30's, low 40's... that's my cut off.
                I build websites. PM me.


                • #9
                  Don't really care about temperature if the sun is out, but when it's dark I prefer not to ride below 50.

                  I'll still do it on the occasion when I want to, but it sucks if you MUST ride when it's dark and something like 30* out.

                  I do not miss my late teens early twenties when I had to ride daily.

                  These guys ride where it's actually cold. - Ryan Suchanek, stolen from google
                  US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


                  • #10
                    Must be wearing a nut glove! Damn that is hardcore riding.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Hobie View Post
                      These guys ride where it's actually cold. - Ryan Suchanek, stolen from google
                      he's attempting the fastest wheelie on ice. one legged stunter.

                      over the years i have been testing different ice tire setups which will work for sportbikes to stunt ride on the ice, in the past few years things have really progressed and the tires have the grip to really make riding on ice WORK. i've also been in contact with guiness world records about...


                      • #12

