Got myself a new commuter vehicle. Base GT in Performance White, Brembos, 3.73s. That's it. No gimmicky shit.
I think the Brembo package comes with a bunch of upgraded suspension stuff because this thing rides like a buckboard. And of course it's slow but I'm loving it.
Goodbye to the Dodge.

The Mustang had 104 miles when I jumped in, 75 of which were completed by Ford as a quality control sample. I don't mind. This car is TIGHT, even compared to my uncle's 2011.
Like a dumbshit, I forgot to take a picture until 10 miles in.

I'm sure you've all seen a stock white Mustang before, BFD. But this one's mine.

I think the Brembo package comes with a bunch of upgraded suspension stuff because this thing rides like a buckboard. And of course it's slow but I'm loving it.
Goodbye to the Dodge.

The Mustang had 104 miles when I jumped in, 75 of which were completed by Ford as a quality control sample. I don't mind. This car is TIGHT, even compared to my uncle's 2011.
Like a dumbshit, I forgot to take a picture until 10 miles in.

I'm sure you've all seen a stock white Mustang before, BFD. But this one's mine.
